Thursday, June 17, 2010

Help with a science question?

Suppose you recieve a sudden surprize, such as your teacher announcing a surprize test. Your heart may beat faster and your breathing may become irregular. After a short time, your breathing and heart rate return to normal.

a) Which two systems are interacting in this initial reaction?

b) Which system controls and co-ordinates their interaction?

Help with a science question?

a) respiratory (breathing irregular) and circulatory system (heart beat faster - adrenalin)

b) the nerve system (the brain) controls and regulates everything, no mistake with that :)

A 4-year-old Holstein cow is found in an extremely weakened condition.?

She calved 20 hours ago and the milkers noted her to be very unsteady as she came through the parlor this morning. No mastitis is noted on her milking record. Physical examination reveals a rectal temperature of 100F, heart rate of 40 bpm, and respiratory rate of 40 bpm. She is unable to rise. Which of the following would be highest on the differenial list?


left displaced abomasum

toxic endometritus/mastitis

A 4-year-old Holstein cow is found in an extremely weakened condition.?

hypocalcemia-milk fever

what class is this for?

A 4-year-old Holstein cow is found in an extremely weakened condition.?


A 4-year-old Holstein cow is found in an extremely weakened condition.?

i think you should call a vet

the calfs life may depend on it

A 4-year-old Holstein cow is found in an extremely weakened condition.?

It really concerns me that you are asking this question here. I would choose B - but you should be emailing your professor - not coming on Y!A for this!!!

A 4-year-old Holstein cow is found in an extremely weakened condition.?

Which would be related to the history of calving?

Which would not cause a fever?

Which would cause a slow heart rate?

Can anyone help me figure out what these symptoms mean?

First of all, here are my symptoms...shortness of breath, numbness in my hands and feet, chest pain, rapid heart rate, swelling in my ankles (not pitting edema) mostly in the evening. I have had a stress test done, Echocardiogram, EKG, etc. The only thing that was said was that the center of my heart was slightly enlarged. My vitamin b12 level is only 258 on a scale from 211-911. Could all of these symptoms be related to vitamin b12 deficiency? Also, my chest also hurts when I touch it. I also was diagnosed with beginning stages of asthma and gerd. My blood pressure has been running approximately 138/72. Hoping someone could possibly give me some insight on everything. Thank you!!

Can anyone help me figure out what these symptoms mean?

When you don%26#039;t get enough oxygen your heart rate will increase to compensate. Are you treating your asthma? Get a regular doctor(internist* who can oversee your treatment.

Can anyone help me figure out what these symptoms mean?

follow your dr.%26#039;s advice

Can anyone help me figure out what these symptoms mean?

These are all the symptoms that my daughter had when she was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma. it was on top of her heart and inopperable. have you checked for cancer? are your levels of candida high? do you have phlegm on your chest?

Sick Sinus Syndrome?

I was in the hospital for seven days for my original complaint of my heart beating 50BPM and down(dropped to 32 while sleeping) Went to the telemetry floor and was monitored the whole time.. My heart rate went to 54 once while waking, and then it had episodes of tacycardia. The first few days, it stayed 60-70%26#039;s..the next it was 70s and up. The doctor did a EKG, and Holter, and Echo which were all fine. But he mentioned Sick Sinus Syndrome and today the holter results showed negative. Even though he claims no, should I worry? He said if I had it I would need a pacemaker. I am 25 and should not be having these problems. But anywho, if anyone has SSS, was it easily diagnosed?

Sick Sinus Syndrome?

Sick Sinus Syndrome is a dysfunction of the natural SinoAtrial pacemaker in the upper right atrium of the heart. Normally, the SA pacemaker discharges electrical impulses roughly every one second. With SSS, however, the SA node may deliver a much lower rate for a while, followed by a much higher rate of discharging, causing the patient with the disease to have very slow pulse rates, then suddenly very fast rates. This disease is also called Tachy-Brady syndrome. A Holter monitor would reveal things that would point to SSS, such as periods of asystole (the heart stops beating for a period of time), sinus arrest (where the SA node fails to fire and the AV node takes over), and a number of other things. If the Holter revealed none of these, but a slightly exaggerated response to certain activities, then SSS is no longer thought of as a diagnosis.

Sick Sinus Syndrome?

just get excercise and eat normal amounts of food and dont eat if your not hungry and just want taste.totally bad for you. get a monitor at longs drugs to strap around your abdominal part that monitors your heart and if it get too low it send a mild shock(.5 volts) to your heart and you%26#039;l be in great shape

Sick Sinus Syndrome?

i don%26#039;t remember a whole lot about sick sinus syndrome from medic school but i think that it was more of a blanket dx that several specific conditions come under....or i could be totally off track here. if you have questions your dr is not answering, i would suggest you A) look into getting a new dr, or B) go to your local EMS company and ask to speak with a paramedic and ask them about SSS - they should be able to help you. good luck!

Constant Palpitations.?

since about a week ago ive been having constant palpitations..prior to this within 2 months ive had several ekgs,chest xrays.blood taken,24 hour halter monitor,heart stress test and echocardiograhm cause ive been having chest pain also nothing was found going to be going back to my dr to see what else we can try cause he thought it was my gastritis so he gave me a med but it didnt help..but these palpitations are very uncomfortable since last week its every day and happens the majority of the day..could stress and anxiety be causing it to happen constantly even when i dont feel like im stressed or having anxiety or what else could be going on considering i got pain and palpations but my heart rate is regular and between 70-95 depending on what im doing

Constant Palpitations.?

Since you are having chest pains and the doctor has given you clean certificate of cardiac pathology, now the possible causes are:


Chostochondritis/ cervical spondylitis

Stress and Anxiety states can also be a cause.


Discuss with your consultant on these lines, OK and by the way Smoking, %26amp; overindulgence in alcohol, excess coffee are also causes of palpitation, review them.

Constant Palpitations.?

I had this same issue a few months back. It was very scary!!! I thought I was going to die. My dr said that some people can feel the palpitaions and some do not. The more I worried, the worse it got. Sometimes it lasted for the whole day. I suggest you go to a different dr if you are getting no where with this one.

Anxiety and stress could be major factors in your issue.

Constant Palpitations.?

surprised there was nothing wrong with the EKG. You might ask your doc for a mild anti anxiety med like Paxil. It takes a couple of weeks to kick in, and it would be a temporary thing for right now. You%26#039;d be surprised at all the physical problems that go away when anxiety is under control. We are complex creatures and stress is a killer. You didn%26#039;t say how old you were, but I%26#039;m guessing 40%26#039;s by all the tests the doctor did. Things do change in our bodies at midage.

Constant Palpitations.?

Since your extensive battery of tests has ruled out cardiopathy, your cause may be either your gastritis or anxiety. Regarding these two causes:

1. GERD and other digestive disorders can exacerbate palpitations. I am assuming you have an actual diagnosis of gastritis. I have GERD that exacerbates my occasional palpitations. Medications such as Nexium, Protonix, and AchipHex may help.

2. Yes, you are stressed and anxious; this is normal after extensive testing, being told, %26quot;everything%26#039;s normal%26quot; and still having symptoms. One important factor to remember is that you don%26#039;t always have the palpitations at the exact moment of stress/anxiety. They may occur hours or even days later. I dislike anti-anxiety medications, but you might want to discuss this option with your physician.

Constant Palpitations.?

****************See edit at the bottom***************

Be wary of going on prescription drugs for this. Since your tests have all come back normal so far, try some natural dietary remedies first.

Medline Plus, in the entry for %26quot;Heart Palpitations%26quot; states that they could be due to:

%26quot;An electrolyte abnormality -- for example, low potassium%26quot;

Water, Sodium (from Sea Salt, see below and links), and Potassium in the proper balance are crucial for your health. Doctors often state that too much caffeine can be a cause of palpitations, but I think it would be more helpful if they would point out WHY that%26#039;s so: because caffeine can dehydrate you of your electrolytes. If people cut back on caffeine, they might drink other better fluids and rehydrate themselves. Also:

%26quot;Sodium regulates the pH of intracellular fluids and with potassium, regulates the acid/ alkali balance in the body. Sodium and chloride are necessary for maintaining osmosis and electrolyte balance.%26quot; (1)


%26quot;Potassium stimulates nerve impulses and muscle contractions and is important for the maintenance of osmotic pressure.%26quot; (1)

Both have a lot to do with your heart.

Here is the %26quot;Water Cure%26quot; recipe. It was a factor in fixing my heart palpitations, is easy, FREE, and helpful for SO MANY chronic ailments! (Think, what is one of the first things they charge hundreds of dollars to give you in the hospital? A saline IV! So, even they realise the benefits of hydration and electrolytes):

%26quot;Drink 1/2 your body weight of water in ounces, daily. Example 180 lb = 90 oz. of water daily. Divide that into 8 or 10 oz. glasses and that%26#039;s how many glasses you will need to drink, daily. Use 1/4 tsp. of salt for every quart of water you drink. Use salt liberally with food. As long as you drink the water, you can use the salt. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. These are diuretics and will dehydrate you. Every 6 oz. of caffeine or alcohol requires an additional 10 to 12 oz. of water to re-hydrate you.

P.S. (USE Clean Water, Use non-refined, ocean salt ONLY )%26quot; (2)

Here is my answer that I gave to another poster on palpitations:

I am not a medical professional, but I have had the same problem in the past. They did an EKG and some other basic testing and told me to come back if I had any more problems. What I did was to naturally increase my Potassium levels, switch to Sea Salt and increase my water intake (drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. For every 6 oz of caffeine or alcohol you drink you must drink an aditional 10 oz or so). My palpitations went away. Your body needs the proper potassium/sodium content to function properly on a cellular level. I am NOT talking about taking potassium supplements, just consuming more potassium rich foods in your diet. Good natural sources are bananas, potatoes (eat the skin) and orange juice. Don%26#039;t fall prey to the %26quot;salt is bad%26quot; hype out there--to the point of consuming little to none. A lot of sodium is bad, ESPECIALLY refined table salts, which have been chemically stripped of their important trace minerals. Again, I am not a medical professional, but I have done a lot of research into nutrition and this is what has worked for me. I would encourage you to research this stuff for yourself, especially since medical doctors %26quot;can%26#039;t find anything wrong.%26quot; Potassium deficiency IS something usually mentioned by doctor%26#039;s though, as far as a cause of heart palpitations (one suggested that I needed more in my diet), but they may neglect to recognize or remind you of the equal importance of sodium (of the Sea Salt variety) and water.

Also, sometimes the %26quot;natural medicine%26quot; and %26quot;conventional medicine%26quot; people are at odds when it comes to the treatment of disease. I believe that conventional medicine is extrememly important in urgent and emergency care, but for treatment of many long term illnesses or problems, a common sense look into your diet/nutritional needs can help get at the root of your ailments. Conventional medicine is largely about treating the SYMPTOMS of your illness, while dietary/nutritional healing works to PREVENT and CURE your illness.

Again, because you said that your testing came back %26quot;all normal,%26quot; you are likely safe to try some basic, healthy modifications to your diet. Avoid processed foods. Eat LOTS of whole, fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water and take a good multivitamin. See the links below and educate yourself on good nutrition and common sense cures.

Hope that helps!


--credit goes to Suz (who posted an answer below) for alerting me to how important magnesium also is for the heart. Here is a quote and a reference (in %26quot;sources%26quot;) to support this:

%26quot;For decades, statisticians have demonstrated that the majority of Americans do not get the government閳ユ獨 minimum daily requirement for magnesium.

The latest government study shows a staggering 68% of Americans do not consume the recommended daily intake of magnesium. Even more frightening are data from this study showing that 19% of Americans do not consume even half of the government閳ユ獨 recommended daily intake of magnesium. Is it any wonder that disability and death from heart attack and stroke are the nation閳ユ獨 leading killers?

While the government officially refuses to recognize the effects of magnesium in preventing vascular disease, the National Institutes of Health does publish the following on its website:

閳ユ发agnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady [!], supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis. There is an increased interest in the role of magnesium in preventing and managing disorders such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.閳?(3)

*************Edit (above)*************

Constant Palpitations.?

It is purely becuase of Gastritis and Indigestion only.

If we offered you a miracle remedy that cures %26quot;Indigestion/Gas/Acidity%26quot; would you buy it? Certainly you would. You won閳ユ獩 find it in a Pharmacy but at the Grocery Store.

Try the Natural Cures for Indigestion/Gas/Acidity.

Indigestion or dyspepsia is one of the most common ailments today and is caused by dietetic errors. It is a condition of the stomach in which digestive juices are incorrectly secreted, resulting in discomfort.

The alimentary canal and the process of digestion begin at the mouth. The stomach, which is the most abused organ of the body, looks like a pear-shaped pouch. It forms part of the digestive tract which is a tube coiled in loops nearly 28 feet in length. It varies in size and position depending on how much food it contains. AN OVERLOADED STOMACH TENDS TO PREVENT THE DIAPHRAGM FROM FUNCTIONING PROPERLY. IT MAY ALSO PRESS ON THE HEART.

Symptoms: Abdominal pain, a feeling of undue fullness after eating, heartburn, loss of appetite, nausea, or vomiting and excessive wind or gas are the usual symptoms of indigestion. Other symptoms include a bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, foul breath, and pain in the upper abdomen.

Causes: The feelings of discomfort and distress in the abdomen are often caused by overeating, eating too rapidly, or not chewing properly. Overeating or eating frequently produces a feverish state in the system and overtaxes the digestive organs. It produces excessive acid and causes the gastric mucus membrane to become congested. Hyperacidity is usually the result. Overeating makes the work of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels harder. When this food purifies, its poisons are absorbed back into the blood and consequently, the whole system is poisoned. Many people gulp their food due to stress or hurry. When food is swallowed in large chunks, the stomach has to work harder and more hydrochloride is secreted. Eating too fast also causes one to swallow air. These bad habits force some of the digestive fluids into the esophagus, causing burning, a stinging sensation or a sour taste, giving an illusion of stomach acid. Certain foods, especially if they are not properly cooked, cause indigestion. Some people react unfavourable to certain foods like beans, cabbage, onions, cucumber, radishes and seafood. Fried foods as well as rich and spicy foods often cause abdominal discomfort and gas, and aggravate the existing condition. Excessive smoking and intake of alcohol can also cause stomach upsets. Constipation may interfere with the normal flow of ingested matter through the gastro-intestinal tract, resulting in gas and abdominal pain. Drinking too much water with meals, insomnia, emotions such as jealousy, fear and anger, and lack of exercise are among the other causes of indigestion.

The Cure: The only effective treatment for indigestion is a thorough cleansing of the digestive tract; adoption of a sensible diet and a change in the style of living. The best way to commence the treatment is to adopt an all-fruit diet for about 5 days. After the all-fruit diet, the patient may take to a restricted diet of easily digestible foods, consisting of lightly cooked vegetables, juicy fruits and buttermilk for about 10 days. He may thereafter gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet.

The use of fruits in general is beneficial in the treatment of indigestion. They flush out the undigested food reside and accumulated faeces and re-establish health to perfect order. Being rich in water, they clean body mechanisms thoroughly. The best among the fruits in dyspepsia is lemon. Its juice reaches the stomach and attacks the bacteria, inhabiting the formation of acids. Lemon juice removes indigestion by dislodging this acid and other harmful substances from the stomach, thereby strengthening and prompting a healthy appetite.

The orange is another effective food remedy in chronic indigestion. It gives rest to the digestive organs and supplies nutrition in a most easily assimilable form. It also stimulates the flow of digestive juices thereby improving digestion and increasing appetite. It creates suitable conditions for the development of friendly bacteria in the intestines.

Another fruit useful in indigestion is grapes. They are a light food which removes indigestion and irritation of the stomach in a short time and relieves heat. Pineapple is also valuable. It acts as a tonic in dyspepsia and relieves much of the digestives disorders of dyspeptics. Half a glass of pineapple juice should be taken after a meal in this condition.

The sufferer from indigestion must always follow the under-mentioned rules regarding eating:

1. Never eat and drink together. Water or other liquids should be taken half an hour before and one hour after a meal. Milk, buttermilk, and vegetables soups are, however, foods and can be taken with meals.

2. Never hurry through a meal. Eat very slowly and chew your food as thoroughly as possible.

3. Never eat to a full stomach. Always leave the table with a feeling that you could eat more.

4. Never sit down to a meal, feeling worried, tired, excited or in a bad temper as such feelings temporarily paralyze the manufacture of digestive juices including hydrochloride.

5. Do not eat if appetite is lacking. Miss a meal or two, if necessary, until real appetite returns.

6. Never boil vegetables, always steam them.

7. Do not mix too many foods at the same meal. Never eat raw vegetables and raw fruits together as they require a different set of enzymes. Take protein and starchy foods separate as far as possible.

Yogic asanas such as ardh-matsyasana, srvangasana, uttanpadasana, pavnmuktasana, vajrasana, yogamudra, bhujangasana, shalabhasana, and shavasana, kriyas like jalneti and kunjal, and pranayamas like kapalbhati, anuloma-viloma, and ujjai are highly beneficial in the treatment of indigestion. Light exercises such as walking, golf and swimming also help digestion.

Water Treatment: A daily enema should be administered to cleanse toxic bowel waste. Other beneficial water treatments include wet girdle pack applied at night, application of ice bags over the stomach half an hour after meals, a daily cold friction bath and alternate hot and cold hipbaths at night. Massaging of the abdomen also helps.

Hope this helps, Good Luck.

Constant Palpitations.?

I have them a lot at night and it keeps me awake.

Here%26#039;s my advice...stop drinking coffee and soda.

I take ionic;s a calcium %26amp; magnesium, potassium powder just before bedtime. Also CO Q10 is very good for the heart. Q10 is avialable at most any health food store or drug store. If your health food store doesn%26#039;t have ionic fuzz do a search in google.

There%26#039;s a lot of stuff you can find on the net about coq10...mostly it%26#039;s given to people with heart problems. But I believe everyone should take it...if you%26#039;re not getting enough in your diet this could be a problem.

I'm really concerned my mother has bradycardia and low b.p and taking high blood pressure medic

My mom had a pacemaker, for a very low heart rate. It stopped working correctly, this was about two weeks ago - she is waiting for a pacemaker/defibulator. So her heart is functioning very poorly right now. She was at 30% when first diagnosed , she said she has been feeling lightheaded. Her b.p. was very low and she tells me she is taking high blood pressure pills. (at one time she had high b.p. I%26#039;m worried she is not getting proper care. Why are they letting her wait this out? And nobody has told her not to take the high b.p. pills .

I%26#039;m really concerned my mother has bradycardia and low b.p and taking high blood pressure medicine???

Pacemaker%26#039;s are inserted when the heart is sick and cannot provide a steady regular rhythm sustaining enough blood volume to the rest of the body (called cardiac output). Your mother%26#039;s dizziness might be related to poor cardiac output, not her BP medications.

Think of the heart as a pump. If the pump is sick, and it pumps against high pressure, it can tire out much quicker. If the pump is sick and it pumps with controlled hypertensive disease (hypertensive disease controlled with medication), the pump (heart) can pump more effectively and possibly longer....

What is your mother%26#039;s bp and heart rate? Have these values been reported to her physicians? Is she in a hospital or at home? Have you spoken with your mother regarding your concerns and asked to speak with her doctors?

Your situation is difficult. You might be feeling out of loop and would some answers to your questions. Try writing down your thoughts on paper in a Q%26amp;A format. Talk to your mother and ask to meet with her and her cardiologist if an appointment is available in the near future.

Regardless of the cause, someone should be speaking with her physicians to make them aware of her situation. Think about what is your asking, write it down, discuss it with your mother and talk to her physicians.

I%26#039;m really concerned my mother has bradycardia and low b.p and taking high blood pressure medicine???

I would ask your doctor about it since if her heart rate is too low and shes still takin blood pressure medicine ( esp if its a beta blocker which could make her way more brady - which could be fatal) I dont understand why she has to wait for this since this is a serious cardiac issue.

I%26#039;m really concerned my mother has bradycardia and low b.p and taking high blood pressure medicine???

Ok, here%26#039;s the deal. If her pacemaker is malfunctioning, then, that is considered a life threatening situation. It needs to be replaced. Take her to the ER. Get a cardiologist on board with her care ASAP. And if you have one already, fire him/her, and get a second opinion. It is not normal for patients to have to wait for pacemakers. They have them, in stock, at the hospital. The procedure is usually preformed in the cardiac cath lab. At least it is at our hospital. I don%26#039;t understand the waiting for 2 weeks either. Unless there is a medical reason that I%26#039;m not aware of? You need a second opinion and do it now!

Is it true that when you.....?

Is it true that when you hug that special someone it stimulates the heart rate in both people.Sometimes when I hug my friend I can feel

her heart beating against my chest.I would really would like to know.

Is it true that when you.....?

it pumps up your adreniline, that is for sure,...and that is because of the excitement...hon, it must be L O V E Bless you sweetheart, ENJOY

Is it true that when you.....?

aww, thanks, and that is sooo sweet...Happy New Year to you both!! Report It

Is it true that when you.....?

depends upon who the person is

Is it true that when you.....?

Yes, it%26#039;s true. it%26#039;s the body%26#039;s reaction to the pleasure of contact with someone you like. It%26#039;s perfectly normal.

Is it true that when you.....?

Yes .

Is it true that when you.....?

Stay far away from your friend. It sounds to me like overexposure of close in counters, with your friend, will cause heart failure for sure. For her and you. Be very care full friend... very careful!

Is it true that when you.....?

It%26#039;s true. If the person you are huging is a special one, then the chances of your heart beating faster is very high. But if the other person doesn%26#039;t feel the same for you than you%26#039;ll end up later with your heart brooke.:)

Is it true that when you.....?

it can, whats really cool is when you make love with someone and you can feel that your hearts are beating at the same time

Is it true that when you.....?

What Do You Mean You Can Feel Her Heart Beating To Your Chest??? Isn%26#039;t Her Heart Suppose To Be Beating In The First Place. Or You Just Mean Abnormally. If It Doesn%26#039;t Sound Normal Then She Likes You Probably!!!LoL

Is it true that when you.....?

Yes, it%26#039;s normal.....


Is it true that when you.....?

yeah very true

Is it true that when you.....?

~It doesn%26#039;t mean it%26#039;s love if your heart is beating fast, it%26#039;s lust or an infatuation.

She has boobs, right? How can you feel her heart beating? It could also mean that she%26#039;s uncomfortable, the only way to know is to ask her.~

How much albuterol before overdose?

My friend is abusing an inhaler, and I would like to know how much she would have to consume to overdose.

If this is any help, 閳ユイ閳?weighs about 110 lbs (50 kg) and is a frequent user of pot and DXM, neither of which was used within 12 hours of acquiring the inhaler.

Substance: Microcrystalline suspension of albuterol, USP in propellants (trichloromonofluromethane and dichlorodifloromethane) with oleic acid

Dose: Several puffs (each puff=90mcg albuterol)

Side effects: (medical usage, at therapeutic dose: ) source:


fast heart rate

elevated blood pressure

tremor (very evident)


nervousness (also evident)


heart burn

How much albuterol before overdose?

MUGS do DRUGS - they don%26#039;t call them dope for no reason DOPE for DOPES

Fire Brigade Step Test?

I am trying to join the fire service p/t I passed all tests except the step test

essentially you step up and down on a 30cm step for 5 mins and they work out your heart rates recovery rate.

i am 39 the pass was 35 I got 31.5,,, i am re doing it in 5 weeks, does anyone have any suggestions what i could do?

Fire Brigade Step Test?

Your heart recovery rate is directly linked to your cardiovascular fitness so you need to do anything that will improve this,Swimming Cycling running and of course the step test itself.

Concentrate on going longer not faster as this has a more beneficial effect don%26#039;t use the test as the only option but vary the exercises you do.

Get a heart rate monitor from Boots or somewhere and use that to see how quickly you heart rate falls when you stop the exercise.

The heart rate monitor or any gym will have details of a scale for height age details so that you can get into your training zone and stay there then when you stop how long it takes for the heart to recover to its normal rate.

DO NOT OVERDO IT if you feel faint or sick STOP I have no idea of your current level of fitness but this will improve quickly exercise at different times of the day and not for at least an hour after food.

If you smoke STOP now and reduce alcohol consumption get plenty of sleep and eat healthily.

These few simple things will reward yo well and that final hurdle will be easier next time. If you are serious about a career in the Fire Brigade you will have to retain that level of fitness so start the regime now and it will be easier in the long run.

Fire Brigade Step Test?

keep doing the test at home yourself. It will make you fitter and should help your heart rate recover quicker the more you do it (dont over do it though)

Fire Brigade Step Test?

Didn`t have that sort of test in my day, just maths, english and general knowledge and carry a 10 stone body for 50 yards.

Keep at it, practice at home and good luck. You will be joining one of the best professions with comrades who would literally put their lives on the line for you.

Fire Brigade Step Test?

A lot of running in my opinion.

Ok i am on 2 types of bloodpressure pill ones a water pill and the other is an beta blocker?

well since i have been on the beta blocker for 3 days and the water pils for an month my heart rate has been lower.. like about around 55-66 is that normal? sometime its 78 but my blood pressure has been great like 120/73 i happy for that just never seen my heart is never been like that..anyone know?

Ok i am on 2 types of bloodpressure pill ones a water pill and the other is an beta blocker?

I wouldn%26#039;t worry about the heart rate, beta blockers will do this. When are you checking your heart rate??Is it at rest?? A normal resting heart rate is usually 60-80. Some people will have a resting heart rate of 50, especially athletes. The best time to check your heart rate is in the morning before you get out of bed. You should count the beats for a full minute, this is more accurate. Or, you can take your pulse during the day provided that you haven%26#039;t been relatively active for about 30 minutes.Let the medication do its%26#039; job and your system will adjust to it. I hope that this helps.

Ok i am on 2 types of bloodpressure pill ones a water pill and the other is an beta blocker?

The blood pressure is normal, actually ideal. The resting heart rate, depends on your age, it should be around 70, still good. Best of luck.

Ok i am on 2 types of bloodpressure pill ones a water pill and the other is an beta blocker?

If it were me, I wouldn%26#039;t panic about the pulse rate. It takes a while to adjust to the beta blocker. Give your doctors office a call just to let them know what%26#039;s happening. I assume you have a follow up appointment soon.

Normally, they gradually increase the dosage of beta blocker to allow you to get used to it. Note that you cannot just stop taking a beta blocker.

Ok i am on 2 types of bloodpressure pill ones a water pill and the other is an beta blocker?

Your heart isn%26#039;t working as hard as it was. So, the HR and BP have gone down. The numbers seem good to me. But you should keep an eye on the HR to be sure it does not continue to drop.

Go to my website and you can find information on my conditions including HR and BP. The normal values are shown in simple charts. But remember there is some leeway in the numbers because each person is different. Here is the link:


Ok i am on 2 types of bloodpressure pill ones a water pill and the other is an beta blocker?

Those are excellent numbers, and don%26#039;t worry, the beta blockers are doing EXACTLY what they are supposed to do. Beta blockers affect the rate and contractility of the heart muscle. Sounds like you have it under control.

I just drank three energy shot drinks...?

My heart rate was 135 and now it is 109. I drank three energy shot drinks and I%26#039;m having mild chest pains. My dad scared me and told me what I drank was dangerous and that it could my hurt my heart. Will I be ok?

I just drank three energy shot drinks...?

Take some long deep breaths and go for a walk to try to take your energy level down and also drink lots of water. You should never drink more than one energy drink a day. I drink one monster a day and it is perfect as long as you dont over do it, these drinks are like having 5 cups of coffee at once. Be careful next time and also check out how much taurine is in them too.

I just drank three energy shot drinks...?

drink a lot of water

I just drank three energy shot drinks...?

It%26#039;s not good for can potentially cause a heart attack or heart failure...I wouldn%26#039;t recommend more than one at a time...Especially the five hour energy shot...That%26#039;s not what it was is it? If so, you may want to keep a check on your heart rate and pulse...

I just drank three energy shot drinks...?

yea ur fine bro;s all placebo

I just drank three energy shot drinks...?

ha yeah 3 is nothing. I know ppl who drink like 4 in a row all the time. Sometime they drink like 6 haha

I just drank three energy shot drinks...?

Probably . But it is your life you are PLAYING WITH !


I just drank three energy shot drinks...?

I think youll be ok drink alot of water and that should cool your heart rate. Be careful what you drink read the labels

I just drank three energy shot drinks...?


You can give yourself irregular heartbeats from too much caffeine, certainly it could scare the xxxx outta%26#039; you. Not too good for pops, either. Keep drinking high doses of caffeine long enough and you may cause an inisotol (a B vitamin) deficiency and your hair may start coming out (I know from whence I speak).

Call your hospital%26#039;s number, tell them you have a question about the effects of several energy drinks upon the heart. You might mention your age. They%26#039;ll give you a nurse on duty who will educate you.

Best wishes.

I just drank three energy shot drinks...?

drink alot of water and see how you feel. If you still have chest pains in a bit.. go to the er.

I just drank three energy shot drinks...?

very bad for u...drink some water and try to relax...if in a couple hours you don%26#039;t feel better, go seek some medical of luck. Oooh, eat some food, that may help.

I just drank three energy shot drinks...?

Caffeine-Induced Organic Mental Disorder 305.90 Caffeine Intoxication

Recent consumption of caffeine, usually in excess of 250 mg.

At least five of the following signs:





flushed face


gastrointestinal disturbance

muscle twitching

rambling flow of thought and speech

tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia

periods of inexhaustibility

psychomotor agitation

Not due to any physical or other mental disorder, such as an Anxiety Disorder.

Basically, overdosing on caffeine will probably be very very unpleasant but not kill or deliver permanent damage. However, People do die from it.

Toxic dose

The LD_50 of caffeine (that is the lethal dosage reported to kill 50% of the population) is estimated at 10 grams for oral administration. As it is usually the case, lethal dosage varies from individual to individual according to weight. Ingestion of 150mg/kg of caffeine seems to be the LD_50 for all people. That is, people weighting 50 kilos have an LD_50 of approx. 7.5 grams, people weighting 80 kilos have an LD_50 of about 12 grams.

In cups of coffee the LD_50 varies from 50 to 200 cups of coffee or about 50 vivarins (200mg each).

One exceptional case documents survival after ingesting 24 grams. The minimum lethal dose ever reported was 3.2 grams intravenously, this does not represent the oral MLD (minimum lethal dose).

In small children ingestion of 35 mg/kg can lead to moderate toxicity. The amount of caffeine in an average cup of coffee is 50 - 200 mg. Infants metabolize caffeine very slowly.


Acute caffeine poisoning gives early symptoms of anorexia, tremor, and restlessness. Followed by nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, and confusion. Serious intoxication may cause delirium, seizures, supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias, hypokalemia, and hyperglycemia.

Chronic high-dose caffeine intake can lead to nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tremulousness, muscle twitching, insomnia, palpitations and hyperreflexia. For blood testing, cross-reaction with theophylline assays will detect toxic amounts. (Method IA) Blood concentration of 1-10 mg/L is normal in coffee drinkers, while 80 mg/L has been associated with death.


Emergency Measures

Maintain the airway and assist ventilation. (See Appendix A)

Treat seizures %26amp; hypotension if they occur.

Hypokalemia usually goes away by itself.

Monitor Vital Signs.

Specific drugs %26amp; antidotes. Beta blockers effectively reverse cardiotoxic effects mediated by excessive beta-adrenergic stimulation. Treat hypotension or tachyarrhythmias with intravenous propanolol, .01 - .02 mg/kg. , or esmolol, .05 mg/kg , carefully titrated with low doses. Esmolol is preferred because of its short half life and low cardioselectivity.


Induce vomiting or perform gastric lavage.

Administer activated charcoal and cathartic.

Gut emptying is probably not needed if 1 2 are performed promptly.

Appendix A

Performing airway assistance.

If no neck injury is suspected, place in the %26quot;Sniffing%26quot; position by tilting the head back and extending the front of the neck.

Apply the %26quot;Jaw Thrust%26quot; to move the tongue out of the way without flexing the neck: Place thumb fingers from both hands under the back of the jaw and thrust the jaw forward so that the chin sticks out. This should also hurt the patient, allowing you to judge depth of coma. :)

Tilt the head to the side to allow vomit and snot to drain out.

From conversations on alt.drugs.caffeine:

The toxic dose is going to vary from person to person, depending primarily on built-up tolerance. A couple people report swallowing 10 to 13 vivarin and ending up in the hospital with their stomaches pumped, while a few say they%26#039;ve taken that many and barely stayed awake.

A symptom lacking in the clinical manual but reported by at least two people on the net is a loss of motor ability: inability to move, speak, or even blink. The experience is consistently described as very unpleasant and not fun at all, even by those very familiar with caffeine nausea and headaches.

I just drank three energy shot drinks...?

Don%26#039;t ever drink energy drinks! They are bad for you! OK?

Where online can i find....?

where online can i find a thing that you count your heart beat type in th beats and it tells you your heart rate

Where online can i find....?

i don%26#039;t know?but try

Where online can i find....?

Just use google search!!

Where online can i find....?

u just go and search in yahoo or any web site that is popular and u will get

this is my known answer

For the girls: When you are on your Period...?

Is it easier to lose weight or harder? It%26#039;s just a question because my heart beats faster. (isn%26#039;t it fast heart rate, metabolism is fast too?)

For the girls: When you are on your Period...?

you don%26#039;t lose weight but the blood of ladies and girls get cleaner than the blood of men and boys

For the girls: When you are on your Period...?

its the same. nothing changes except u have blood coming out of u, lol:)

For the girls: When you are on your Period...?

No you don%26#039;t lose weight faster. It%26#039;s just that your blood is thinning because your bleeding so much. I%26#039;m sure you%26#039;ve been bloated before. That%26#039;s from water weight.

For the girls: When you are on your Period...?

easier for sure

For the girls: When you are on your Period...?

well i would think it%26#039;d be the same, well maybe a little easier i know it%26#039;s easier. to work out on the days of your heavier cycle than any other time, because you flow wouldn%26#039;t be so heavy if you were exercising. i%26#039;ve done it the last time i had my period and i didn%26#039;t even hae a heavy day. it felt great lol.

For the girls: When you are on your Period...?

Can%26#039;t say. I don%26#039;t give a damn about my weight; ask your doctor or a fitness instructor.


Legalized or not??

Positive effects: has many medical uses

pain releif

stress releif

Hemp seed extract is good for your skin

out of body expirience(?? dunno about that)

increased laughing

a new point of view on life(hahaha)

enhanced creativity

Negetive effects:

decreases sperm production (haha)

Short-term memory loss

difficulty thinking and problem solving

Increased heart rate

loss of cordination

higher risk of heart attack

people who smoke pot regularly have the same lung related risks as ciggerette smokers

may cause people suffering depression to get even more depressed


Random facts: Has NO evidence of being addicting or a gateway drug

Since it increases hunger it can be used for people who have a decreases appetite due to illnesses

effects everyone differently

there is no conclusive evidence that pot makes you lose brain cells


Of course not. It won%26#039;t solve a single problem and it would only increase its consumption.

The only good use it has is for certain illnesses. I support that usage as long as it is supervised by a physician.


legalize all drugs, just to take out the criminal element such as drug dealers with guns shooting people. but strictly restrict it.


smoke weed everyday


I never understood why people say that it%26#039;s a gateway drug. I mean, if you have a drug user who takes things to the extreme, it doesn%26#039;t matter what drug they use, they%26#039;re going to find something that gives them a better high.

Personally, I think it should be legalized. But that you can only have a small amount and anything above that would be illegal. And hell...if the government sold it...they could make some good money. Have some sort of control over it.

I know lots of people have different views on it. To each their;d never pass. But we can all dream can%26#039;t we?


legalize it. Tax the hell out of it, and make tons of money. Plus it would save cops time from having to deal with petty punks who are no real danger to society. Just throw on some restriciton like no driving while high. DUIs for everyone who does.


not legalized...

a few reasons:

pot can burn your lungs because the burning temp of pot is much higher than tobacco so the smoke will give you internal burns (after a long time of course!)

pot can also decrease fertillity in women by sterilizing your ovaries!


Legalise it, but makde some sort of restriction system so that people can only use it %26quot;responisbly%26quot;.


At least put the joint down long enough to learn to spell.

I don%26#039;t really care if people smoke pot, just like I don%26#039;t care if people smoke tobacco or drink alcohol or excessive amounts of caffeine.

If you want to, fine I guess. The bigger problem with drugs is the crime related to illegal trafficking and to operating vehicles under the influence.


Your question seems like it has all the answers, so why ask us?


what%26#039;s your question?


legalize or not, hmmm seems that alcohol ans nicotein is doing so much good in the world, and it has it%26#039;s health benefits as well why not other drugs. Sure restrict it%26#039;s uses, no one will abuse it and if your going to rid the world of the criminal element then you will have to go alto farther then just little old pot. No evidence of being addictive so cigarettes have the same claim if you visit the right sites, Don%26#039;t be so short sighted.

The truth is drug use has been a plague on society with addiction causing criminal activity to those in its grip. You want evidence then visit your local police and talk with them about the outcome of drug use. I know the world will never get rid of drug use and yes I know they do have some helping qualities but I don%26#039;t believe the answer is legalize


legalize it but regulate it like alcohol. tax the crap out of it, lower income/property/gax taxes.

would have to write into effect nationwide law allowing the arrest of a person whos high while driving based on a cops...errr...%26quot;judgement%26quot;


It%26#039;s an herb, not a drug. Drugs are things like Meth, Crack, even Benadryl, which can be abused. Marijuana is just a little plant that grows in Mother Nature, like Peyote and Datura, etc.. I don%26#039;t see the point in arresting and detaining every person who enjoys a little relaxing herb. Next thing you know, it will be illegal to drink Green Tea.


it pretty much has the same effect as soy products and cigarrettes mixed together, so whats the point of making it illegal?


does not matter illegal or legal smoke that shittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt...

What can this all mean?

Ive been short of breath for like 2 years and ive been getting light headed, ive some dull achy pain occasionaly that last like 2-3 min. and i did a whole bunch of test and everything was normal except my heart monitor showed my resting heart rate at 114 and the highest it got was 158 ( and that was with very very minimul activity, i only went to the store with my mom) and then i had an echo done today and the tech. couldnt tell me anything because my doc. is suppost to but this is what he wrote under comment. ejection fraction 55%, tachycardia with irregularity and possible left atrial compression, can anyone tell me what that acctual means? thank you :)

What can this all mean?

The tech that did your echo would likely be shot at sunrise if he said anything about the results. Typically they are evaluated by a Dr who specializes in such things.

Tachycardia is a pulse over 100.

Irregular means that it%26#039;s not a constant rate.

Left atrial compression- something may be pressing on your left atria interfering with operation.

EF is Ejection Fraction and is the percentage of blood ejected from a chamber when it squeezes.

I cannot tell you more than that but it sounds like they are getting to the bottom of your problem.

I suffered from Tachycardia and they gave me medications for it. Thinking back, I would get out of breath walking across the parking lot or the living room. Felt like panicking.

Your doing the right thing and they can help you. Meanwhile , don%26#039;t over do it.

Good luck.

Edit: Given your young age and the type of problem you are having, I bet they take a hard look at your hormone levels. The TSH hormone regulates your thyroid which is a master gland. It can cause all kinds of problems if the levels are too high. Just a thought.

What can this all mean?

well, it sounds like you are doing all the right things with the tests especially at your young age. Does anyone else in your family have congenital heart problems? The left atrial compression can come from something creating compression in that area of your heart. You might have your doctor make sure to check your lungs, your aorta and such very thoroughly if that has not been done. He/she may decide to do a CT scan of your chest area to see if anything is causing the compression. The echo would show if your valves are functioning ok.

Most importantly, don%26#039;t be afraid to ask any questions you have, be persistent because none of this in normal, seek the best specialist you can find and make sure you have an advocate that can help you. Good luck. Prayers and best wishes go to you!

Many questions in one about my medical problems, ok?

1. If a doctor says that my EKG looks normal, does that mean that I don%26#039;t have ANY heart problems?

2. If a doctor at a clinic said that I had a low heart rate and sent me to a hospital to get an echocardiogram or eco, but then the doctors at the hospital said that it wasn%26#039;t necessary, should that have me worried?

3. Sometimes I get a pain in my chest that lasts about 1 second, then a cough follows, and finally I gasp for air; what could that be?

Many questions in one about my medical problems, ok?

Firstly I am no doctor. If you have a worry about your health the best thing to do is to insist that it is investigated or explained so that at least you wont worry yourself sick.

Secondly was it an ECG or EKG that you had, as the former is for the heart and the latter for the brain. If it was an ECG and they say that was normal, then that means their were no abnormalities on your ECG.

The pain with cough and gasp could indicate valve regurgitation in your heart or general circulatory system. This is usually identified in an ECG or Echocardiogram, so you might want to insist on having an Echocardiogram done. That could account for your low heart rate.

Anyhow, have further investigations done.

Many questions in one about my medical problems, ok?

The EKG measures the electrical activity in the heart. There can be problems with valves or the muscle. Since you have been examined by a few doctors, they probably would have spotted those problems. Without other symptoms, a low heart rate is OK. I had a heart rate in the low 50s at rest when I ran everyday.

I assume you were seen by cardiologists at the hospital. They are the experts.

I do not know what the 1 second pain is from, but a heart symptom would last much longer than that and be accompanied by other symptoms.

Hey CC: Both EKG and ECG are acceptable. It was invented by Willem Einthoven a Dutch doctor in 1903. The German spelling is Elektrokardiogramm.

I am an RN.

Anyone use the inhaler albuterol??

This is the 2nd time my doctor has prescribed me this inhaler. I had congestion in my chest and weezing. I have never used this inhaler, because one of the major side effects is increased heart rate and it makes you anxious. I am afraid to use the inhaler, b/c I have anxiety problems/panic attacks. I feel that if I use the inhaler and feel my heart beat faster, it will cause me to panic. To all those who have used this....please let me know how you feel when you use it!!

Anyone use the inhaler albuterol??

I have been using Salbutamol/Albuterol since January and only once has my heart rate increased noticeably. When it did, it was because I was under a ton of stress and I used 6 inhalations in about an hour to stop my coughing. It worked alright, but I was shaking and heart rate was in the 140%26#039;s. In a few hours, it wore off and I was fine. What I did is not recommended and that%26#039;s why I had a side effect. Taking more than your doctor prescribes can cause an increased incidence of side effects.

Since you get anxious easily, then you might benefit from Xopenex. Xopenex is stronger than Albuterol, more expensive, and is used for heart patients commonly because of the reduced incidence of increased heart rate. I recommend that you talk to your doctor about your medication. If you are prescribed something and you don%26#039;t use it, then you don%26#039;t have any benefit from it.

Albuterol is one of the most benign medications I know of. It%26#039;s the respiratory equivalent of Tylenol for problems that it causes. Some patients do have trouble with it because of heart problems, allergy, and unknown reason for increased incidence of side effects. They go on Xopenex when this is known. Most people do well on Albuterol.

Anyone use the inhaler albuterol??

I used to be on albuterol (not anymore) and I also am prone to anxiety and used to suffer from frequent panic attacks. I never had any negative side effects from the inhaler, though. Of course, it never seemed to help me breathe much better either (i have chronic bronchitis), butI didn%26#039;t get jittery or nervous or anything like that.

Anyone use the inhaler albuterol??

I have used the inhaler albuterol for the past 4 years. It helps

me breath. Without it I would be gasping for air.

Jimmy H

Anyone use the inhaler albuterol??

Yes .I do, I%26#039;m 13 and have had it sence i was 6.

I had asthma attacks and this helps some not all of the sypoms though.It really depends on how bad your asthma is . I have never had any side effects and it feels like a powdery substanse that goes into your mouth and then you swallow and its normal again.

Hope I helped!!!

%26lt;3 Lindsey

Anyone use the inhaler albuterol??

I%26#039;ve used it and my Dad has, it works great. We both suffer from anxiety attacks, me; I take Valium (10mg) for mine, but if you don%26#039;t have access to that try Benedryl. It%26#039;s not harmful and it will help calm you. I%26#039;m not a professional so you should try googling Albuterol and read up on it.

Anyone use the inhaler albuterol??

I have COPD and asthma and have used Albuterol in the past. I has not caused any side effects in me.

My suggestion might be to NOT read the side effects until after you have taken the med, or if you react to it because your Dr wont let you have it if its going to interact with other meds or be bad for you. Its not uncommon for people with anxiety to THINK the medication is causing them to react to it after they have read what the symptoms are. If you think it, you can literally cause yourself to have anxiety attacks...since, after all, our own minds are usually the cause of them in the first place, right? (i have anxiety issues too)

I encourage you to take it and give it a chance to work. Keep yourself busy and up to your ears in something workwise after you take it so you do not concentrate on feeling anything other than better.

Best wishes hon...i can relate.

Anyone use the inhaler albuterol??

I use this nearly every day, and I want you to do it, too. It really makes your breathing a lot easier..............a LOT! It won%26#039;t make you have a panic attack at all........I%26#039;ve had them, I know.

It makes my wheezing much less, and makes breathing a nice thing to do, instead of a painful thing. If you%26#039;ve ever had a breathing treatment at a hospital or doctor%26#039;s office, it will be like that. It%26#039;s a GOOD thing............use it, O.K.?..........I wouldn%26#039;t tell you to use it if it had bad side affects. It feels so good to breath!

Hypotension with tachycardia?

I am 27 years old. I work out twice a week. My blood presure is very low always not just at certin times. 90/70 sometimes even lower. My heart rate is always very very fast. My resting beats per minute is usually around 120 or so. On the ocasion I will feel a strange sensation in my chest lasting for only a few secounds but while it happens i can%26#039;t take a breath in and then the heart beat that comes after this is really hard and hurts my chest. my other symptoms include being very sleep all the time. hard to concentrate, like when you can%26#039;t think of that really easy word on the tip of your mind. I also bruse very easily if that is any conection and i crave ice.

I went to my family practition and he had done a blood test and a EKG thing, they stuck a bunch of stickers to my chest? I had to do that thing two times. my doctor called me back and said i was a little hypoclycimic? so i went to a dietion and have been on the new diet for about six months, but i still have the same symptoms.

Hypotension with tachycardia?

Not that your doctor isn%26#039;t good, I%26#039;m sure he is, but he%26#039;s not a specialist. You should get a referral, either from your doctor or someone you trust, for a cardiologist. Since cardiologists specialize in treating the heart they%26#039;ll be up to date on all the latest findings and will better be able to treat you.

Good luck!

Hypotension with tachycardia?

Did they check your thyroid? Did they check your heart valves? These are the first 2 most likely things causing you problems. Excessive caffeine or diet pills can have these effects.

Hypotension with tachycardia?

Go to a cardiologist and bring you EKG results with you.

Hypotension with tachycardia?

Hypotension with tachycardia?

if you havent noticed...everyone loses concentration (that word on the tip of your tongue thing) and go back to the doctor of course

I had a c-section 5 mts ago and I got ill after with high BP that the Dr could not understand and de

I had a resting heart rate of 122, i was restless and could not sleep even after a sleep aid and two pain pills. I had zero tolorance for food or water, and ended up severly dehydrated. I was ill for ten days and my BP was like 180 over 105. I felt like my heart was gonna explode and I was out of breath just sitting. If I fell asleep I woke up gasping for air as if I had been holding my breath. I felt very nervous I was sensitive to any stimulation like visitors would make my BP go way up, I felt like I woud faint and I was very weak. The doctors ran blood work and said I was fine other than low potassium, I was diagnosed as dehydrated on my third visit to the ER I know that something was making me sick. I think it was the spinal anesthesia but I am not sure I still have tingling from time to time in my shoulder and leg. was it an over dose or did they mess with the nerves that control BP? I felt like my cental nervous system was on high and I could not wind down It was not my 1st baby

I had a c-section 5 mts ago and I got ill after with high BP that the Dr could not understand and dehydration?

it probably could have been an overdose of what it sounds like but they also could have messed with the nerves at the same time.

I had a c-section 5 mts ago and I got ill after with high BP that the Dr could not understand and dehydration?

Honey if that doctor didn%26#039;t have the answer, we sure don%26#039;t. Only guesses. Perhaps you should see another doctor. I would only go to an ob-gyn as they are more experienced.


Chest and back pain???

For around 2 months now, I have experienced left side chest pain and sometimes left arm pain (either in my shoulder or my forearm). Since one month ago, I also have had some pain in my upper back (bellow and between my shoulder blades).The pain in my chest is kinda sharp and I can localize it. Also, it doesn%26#039;t get worse when i breathr. I also feel kind of dizzy or weakened sometimes. Still I have had 2 EKG-s (both normal), I went to a cardiologist (he checked me out and said my heart isn%26#039;t the problem) and I have had my blood checked (normal as well). My heart rate at rest is around 56 bpm (sometimes lower, sometimes higher) but goes up normally after physical activities. I am 23 of age, I DON%26quot;T SMOKE and I am a fairly active person. My doc also said it could be something to do with my spine (due to wrong postures) but I don%26#039;t know what I should do next. Any ideas?

Chest and back pain???

I feel it may be due to gastric problem. Avoiding some food will help. Consult a gastrologist. Did you ever suffer from jaundice?

Chest and back pain???

i use to have the same problem unitl they put me on anxiety medicine i guess it was due to stress

Chest and back pain???

Anxiety attacks could cause it. You will feel like you are having a heart attack, get dizzy, vision blurry, maybe even pass out and vomit. If your EKGs are normal I%26#039;d discuss anxiety with your DR. Even if you don%26#039;t feel stressed, you could have a disorder. If you think it%26#039;s your spine, see a chiropractor. It hurts, but will help correct your posture and prevent further damage to your spine and neck.

Chest and back pain???

I have to agree with the first 2 posters. My daughter had this. And she has had all the tests. She is about your age also. Doctors told her it is anxiety.

Chest and back pain???

well you should have tests of different harmones particularly thyroid.

might be you have some problem related to belly perhaps acidity or gastric problem , gastric problem too has same symptoms feeling pain or pressure on left side chest , pain in arms, shortening of breath, weakness , dizziness,pain in right side back portion.

you should also have urine test to get to know the proper funtioning of your kidney.

spinal cord problem... don%26#039;t put stress on it, don%26#039;t take tension otherwise you will have weakness near your spinal cord, arms and legs,

try to take minerals or vitamins and drink lots of water at the advice of your doc.

try to have good and simple life.

try to keep yourself away from tension.

try to take walk in the morning and do yoga early in the morning and go to the garden very early in the morning and try to pull and poush your breath this exercise will make your brain fresh , your lugs strong and make you feel good.

try o analyze your diet schedule.

some pains are psychological.

praying for your good health.


Chest and back pain???

Do you sit at a computer all day, or do repetitive work that involves your arms and upper body? Could be related to that ... good that you are checking with a doc.

Chest and back pain???

Have they ruled out your thorasic nerve. My husband had symptoms similar to this (he had heart problems, marfans) and he had such painful spasms that he went to the hospital because they thought it was a heart attack. He had a procedure done that deadened the thorasic nerve (its the nerve that crosses the heart) and has not had the bad back pain since. He still has chest pain. I would not rule out heart problems. Have you had an Ultra sound on your heart? Also, have you had some tests dont to rule out blockage? I dont think it could be anxiety. Do you have scoliosis? That could also be causing problems.

Chest and back pain???


What you have is nothing to be concerned about, it is actually very common and it isnot anxiety.Although you may feel anxious with the pain you are experiencing.

The two most like scenarios are this:

It is a few ribs that are tighter along with the spine in the area. Most likely your upper thoracic area like you said between your shoulder blades. This area supports the movement of your arm and shoulder, so when it tightens it can cuase arm and shoulder pain. As you can breathe without it becoming worse, then they are tight enough to cause pain but not serious.

The other possible cause is your diaphragm. It also causes arm pain and shoulder pain. It has the same pain pattern as your heart, which is why so many people get checked because they believe they are having a heart attack.

Both of these can occur due to exercise, especially the diaphragm as they are used when you are exercising.

It is unlikely anxiety as your heart rate is still good, the ekg%26#039;s would also indicate anxiety related symptoms also. So if your docotr didn%26#039;t mention it then it is unlikely.

As to what to do, you can do stretches for these areas which there is a good stretch at , for the diaphragm you would need to use some breathing exercises to help ease tension off it.The site I mentioned above has a newsletter ande-course which is good for both of these and should help quickly,you can see them at you also get a free e-book with it.

Contact them for advice as they can help a lot, all free too. It is a good helpful site and they get back to you quickly.

Chest and back pain???

If you have been %26quot;ruled out%26quot; as your symptoms being heart related and your Doc said that %26quot; it could be something with your spine%26quot; well, that is not a definitive answer. Tell your Doc ( or seek a second opinion, preferably a Neurologist) to discuss options. Physical Therapy can be quite helpful in strengthening muscles that support your spine. Spinal/back problems should not be ignored. I hope this helps.

Chest and back pain???

you need to go to each specialist and the reason being is they are only trained for what they do. like arteries etc arterial doctor etc. it even could be something small like strained something. but its good to check with them all and get it done fast.

Chest and back pain???

I%26#039;m not a doctor but 56 beats a min. is high if that%26#039;s ur normal heart beat. %26amp; the pain in ur back might be something else or they may go together get a second opinion doctors sometimes over look things so maybe another can tell u some thing different

Pregnancy worries?

Im 30 weeks pregnant now , throughout my whole pregnancy Ive never worried about anything , Ive always just went about my business like I didnt even know I was pregnant , I would stay busy with bills and errands , I never take my prenatal pills cause they make me SO SICK , and during moving time I would lift heavy boxes , I also smoked during the beginning of my pregnancy . All my test came back normal and the ultrasound looks great , his heart rate is normal and sounds great , the doctor said Ive had a great pregnancy . Now Ive got 10 weeks left and Im starting to stress , what if the baby is born with webb feet or some type of mutation or heart problem ? what if I dont have everything I need ? I worry about labor and what is going to happen , I completely stressing out about money and time and worried Im not ready to have this baby . Did you go through this with your first born , is this normal ?

Pregnancy worries?

This is normal! You are starting the nesting period, and it%26#039;ll go away when you hold your little one. Even if he has webbed feet! Good luck, and blessings to you and your new family!

Pregnancy worries?

I am 20 weeks preg with my 3rd baby. With this preg and my last preg i had terrible anxiety for the first 3 months. About similiar things to you. It just passed for me but i had terrible trouble sleeping ect. I am finally starint to feel more confident and relaxed now...and ive done this 2 times already! Its very normal...all i can say is too take one day or one moment at a time and every time you start projecting to the future pull your self up and take a few deep breaths and come back to now. Its very important to do this in labour!

And no im not a hippy...i just know how it feels. Go to the doc if it continues and have a chat.

How much time do u spend at the doc office in ur ultrasound appt?

its my first ultrasound he is gonna be looking for baby%26#039;s age and and rate of growth . babys heart rate .amount of fluid some birth defacts and sex and i need to drink lots of water oh my god and i dont want to wait for ever there how much time do u think it will take

How much time do u spend at the doc office in ur ultrasound appt?

all depends my 1st ultrasound was like 30 mins my 2nd was 10 mins and so on.. i had one yesterdat at 34 weeks and it took 50 mins... so just be thinking it might take awhile so you wont run out of time if you have to do something else... good luck and congrats!

How much time do u spend at the doc office in ur ultrasound appt?

My first ultrasound was done with in about 30 minutes. They usually start the ultrasound with a full bladder, and after they do a certain amount of measuring/looking, they let you go to the bathroom. My experience - don%26#039;t arrive early! It doesn%26#039;t help! Drink your water the allotted amount of time they tell you, and then show up 5 minutes before your appointment. They know you%26#039;re pregnant, and usually are pretty good about getting you in right away. If they%26#039;re running late, go talk to them!

How much time do u spend at the doc office in ur ultrasound appt?

My ultrasounds have lasted as little as 20 minutes and as long as 45 minutes.

How far along are you?

I have level 2 ultrasounds. They do not require me to drink water for this type of ultrasound. I have had a daughter born with birthdefects. I am pregnant with my 4th baby now. So these are quiet normal for me to get.

How much time do u spend at the doc office in ur ultrasound appt?

It doesnt take long about 20 mins for me

How much time do u spend at the doc office in ur ultrasound appt?

i have kaiser and I am in there for like 5 minutes I feel as though they don%26#039;t spend enough tome viewing my baby or asking me questions...I am 19 weeks they have never told me how the heart beat is doing or how I feel or anything...arghhh I hate kaiser!

Origins again......?

Again 10 points for the first right answer. Cliche again, still easy.........

We have a tendency to use this cliche whenever we feel a somewhat miraculous recovery. Physiologists say that when a person begins to run, the sudden action produces large quantities of lactic acid in the muscles. As a result, the heart rate is sped up by the automatic impulses of the nervous system. Some time, however, is required for the entire system to adjust itself to the higher speed of operation. When the runner%26#039;s heart and lung action is up to speed, he is said to have received this.

Origins again......?

Second wind

Origins again......?

second wind?

Origins again......?

2 nd wind almost like floating

happy day old geezer

Would a pacemaker help with SVT.?

I have had SVT for the last 8 years and i am tired all the time from the meds being switch to try and control it. I have had ablation therapy once and am told i have to have another one. I am sick and tired of having to go to the emergancy room for this problem all the time to have adenisene. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am only 28 yrs old and i want to have a life. I am always worried about can i do this and not have an episode. Sometimes i will be laying in bed and it will just start. My heart rate has been up to 250bpm then drop to 60 and back up to 200. It is all over the place. When this happens i can%26#039;t do anything. I have passed out before. I have 2 small kids, i can%26#039;t be worried all the time about my heart going to fast and what will happen. I have trained my 3yr old to phone 911 if mommy is sick, but really what kind of life do i have always being worried. Would a pacemaker help and should i fight to have one put in.

Would a pacemaker help with SVT.?

Reentrant supraventricular tachycardias involve reentrant pathways with a component above the bifurcation of the His bundle. Patients have sudden episodes of palpitations that begin and terminate abruptly; some have dyspnea or chest discomfort. Diagnosis is clinical and by ECG. Treatment is with vagotonic maneuvers and, if they are ineffective, with IV adenosine or nondihydropyridine Ca channel blockers for narrow QRS rhythms, procainamide or amiodarone for wide QRS rhythms, or synchronized cardioversion for all cases.

Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator

If your underlying heart condition puts you at high risk of having a life-threatening tachycardia, your doctor may recommend an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).

An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 閳?a pager-sized device implanted in your chest like a pacemaker 閳?detects and stops dangerous arrhythmias. The ICD continuously monitors your heartbeat and delivers precisely calibrated electrical shocks to restore a normal heart rhythm.

Please note that I am not a medical professional.

Consult your doctor.

Would a pacemaker help with SVT.?

I really didn%26#039;t want to answer this question since I believe that the first answer given is quite complete and probably will be the best answer.

However, because complications can include an increased risk of heart disease I would like to post a couple of links to natural or alternative treatments that may either help your condition or help to prevent further complications. I emphasize the word %26quot;may%26quot;.

That said consider the following links. These links mention how seafood/fish oil can reduce the risks of heart disease. While they mostly claim that this is due to the omega 3 oils, the webmaster feels that the 72 trace elements in seafood may be a bigger contributing factor. My wife and I try to eat seafood everyday and at meals where we don%26#039;t eat it we take a good fish oil supplement.

Would a pacemaker help with SVT.?

I don%26#039;t recognize SVT. Is VT short for Ventricular Tach.?

I have that complex myself.

I have a pacemaker/defib. for about 5 years now. On my second pacemaker currently.

I take about 6 diff. meds. I just had an ablation. They added the drug Salotarol. I take 160 mgs (80 x2 daily) It seems to be helping me a bit. Also, coreg, carvedalol, digoxin. Also seeming to help is Fish Oil caps and Magnesium Glycinate 400mg daily. The Mag. seems to be helpful too.

I get shocks (therapies they call them, Ha! (not) too frequently. VERY PAINFUL plus you run around freaked out it%26#039;s going to happen.

I can appreciate your dilemma. Instead of shocks, you pass out. I don%26#039;t know which is worse.

As bad as the shocks are, at least you don%26#039;t pass out.

I get shocked and just keep on going. What are you going to do but die otherwise? I had 4 shocks in less than 60 sec. not long ago. I was a blithering idiot after that for a while. Not fun. But I got up and walked away. 6 of those in a row and you%26#039;re likely dead meat.

Passing out is not acceptable. Who knows what happens to you when you fall, crash, drown etc? Or just don%26#039;t wake up!

I have very similar symptoms to your own as you describe them. I%26#039;m 60 but otherwise very healthy and active. I%26#039;m a dancer, teach dance and used to perform. You can imagine how this has cramped my style. But I still do it.

And to a certain limit I do fine. No more performances but plenty of social dancing which I like.

Fiddle around with the drug thing as much as you can. Having an electrocution chamber inside your heart is NO FUN.

But you may have to endure this. The pacer is AMAZING as a gizmo and what it will do, record and how it can be adjusted.

Keep working on the Rx%26#039;s. I guess the ablation thing might be OK too but hasn%26#039;t worked for me. I know very few Vtac people who it has worked for.

One good thing is the pacemaker might keep you out of the hospital more. Course I%26#039;m not a doctor and can%26#039;t advise you but imagine getting shocked instead of passing out without notice might be better. I wouldn%26#039;t wish it on anybody. Least of all a young man such as you. A pacemaker might make some sense.

Check it out completely before you do it. Once it%26#039;s in there %26quot;THEY OWN YOU%26quot;! I frequently feel like a biometric puppet.

Good health to you. (I%26#039;d wish you the best my heart could provide ...but that wouldn%26#039;t be very much!)

Is this going to work?

For the past week I have started exercising on the stationary bike. I ride for an hour to an hour and a half. I can only ride hard in short bursts, therefore my heartrate is not up the whole time. Am I just wasting my time, since I am probably not at my target heart rate for long enough? I thought you%26#039;re heart has to be up for 20-30 minutes in order for it to be effective exercise. I%26#039;m trying to lose weight, and I need to know if I need to change what I am doing. Thanks

Is this going to work?

Bicycle isn%26#039;t very effective in raising your heart rate, and especially a stationary bicycle. Jogging is much more effective in that. Having said that, lower heart rate is actually better for burning fat. Higher heart rate tends to burn more carbs, because of anaerobic processes (your body can%26#039;t supply oxygen fast enough).

When I jog, my average heart rate is around 145bpm. When I cycle, it%26#039;s only 120bpm. I would have to go uphill and quite fast to reach the same heart rate I get while running.

Lower heart rate (50-70% of max) is better for burning fat, while anything higher is better for cardiovascular fitness. You have to decide which is more important to you for now and go with that.

Is this going to work?

%26quot;Am I just wasting my time,%26quot;

depends what you%26#039;re looking to do. If you%26#039;re looking just to exercise for an hour or so a day to stay in shape it sounds like you%26#039;re doing well. Remember even walking is really good exercise compared with nothing so you%26#039;re not wasting your time. You want to keep your heart rate up for at least a half hour but up doesn%26#039;t necessarily mean full throttle. As long as you%26#039;re working up a sweat it%26#039;s doing some good.

If you%26#039;re looking to become a world class cyclist maybe you are but that%26#039;s prob not the case.

Is this going to work?

The point is that you%26#039;re doing something for yourself...your workouts will improve as you get more fit..don%26#039;t give up..even the longest journeys began with a first step...try adding a minute or two a week, you%26#039;ll be there in no time...good luck

I've gained 4lb since I started working out- HELP!?

Im within normal weight range for my height. I rejoined my gym in early April and since then, have gone up 4 pounds...I workout an hour cardio within my target heart range and do weight training and ab work for about 1/2 hour as laid out by a trainer. I burn about 700-800 calories according to my heart rate monitor...I consume 1250-1500 calories per day, a clean eating diet, no processed foods or white flours/sugars. HELP!!! I also notice that my abdominal area SEEMS more flabby...what the heck am I doing wrong???

I%26#039;ve gained 4lb since I started working out- HELP!?

it could just possibly be muscle weight

I%26#039;ve gained 4lb since I started working out- HELP!?

You%26#039;re fine, you%26#039;re gaining muscle mass. It%26#039;s much healthier than fat.

Question to do with weightlifting workout schedule and eliptical machine?

I was told that you ca%26#039;t work out all your muscle every time you go to the gym. I was told that you have to do certain parts each time, work them hard and then let them rest to see results.

Would doing your upper body one time and then your lower body be wrong? Should I do arms and shoulders, then back and chest, and then legs and bum? Could I work my abs everytime I go to the gym or do I need to pick a day to focus on them as well? What about bum? Can that also be something I do everytime I go to the gym?

And when I am on the eliptical will that help me tone my legs and bum? I looked at the hear rate scale, and I%26#039;m usually in the cardio zone because I%26#039;m out of shape. Will I still burn fat if my heart rate is higher than the fat burning zone?

Question to do with weightlifting workout schedule and eliptical machine?

it is best to break up muscle groups: a basic 3 day program would look like this

day 1 = chest, shoulders, triceps (back of arms)

day 2 = lower body, back, biceps (front of arms)

day 3 = combination of chest, lower body, back

the break between workouts is to allow the muscles to respond to the workout and increase growth for the next bout. 24-48 hrs is a good rest time.

everything is intensity driven in exercise: the more resistance you use the longer you should wait between workouts. but with the 3 day program you are %26quot;hitting%26quot; the same muscle groups at least 2 x in 8 days and that is good.

ellipitcal training is great for the butt muscle but you need to be upright, pressing down with the heels and not on the toes, and step long (as if you were going up 2 stairs at a time) and not short quick half steps.

heart rate range should be GENERALLY between 130-150 if you are unfit and/over 35 yrs ---between 150-170 if you are in your 20%26#039;s. get on the manual program and try to keep your heart rate in a steady state that is breathable but feels like work. this is, of course, barring any medications or contraindications you might have.

remember, for fat use it is better to stay in the low to mid level of that heart rate range. harder is just harder not necessarily better.

Question to do with weightlifting workout schedule and eliptical machine?

You can work the abs daily, you can work the butt and legs daily too, if yo%26#039;ure just trying to rip up and not put on mass.

Yes, the cardio workout will burn even more fat, and cardio should be a daily part of the workout routine.

Question to do with weightlifting workout schedule and eliptical machine?

Check out they have a week free trial online training programs that can help you out.

What can I do about my really long cycle?

My peroid last to me what seems like a really long time. Some times it lasts 14 or 15 days and sometimes it makes me really moody! What can I do about it? Is there any way that I can naturaly shorten it. I have thought about getting on birth contrul pills to make it shorter but then I worry about my heart cause I have a really high heart rate. So what do I do?

What can I do about my really long cycle?

A doctor would the place to start to have these questions answered. I wouldn%26#039;t rely on a bunch of wanna be doctors to give you the answers!

What can I do about my really long cycle?

Talk to your doctor because I ended up needing a procedure done and OH MY GOD DID IT HELP!!! It could be a hormone inbalance and you may need some to help you out but that is very hard to deal with as for over the counter help my mother used to make me drink lemon tea only helped slightly.

A 9-month-old heifer has just been started on a 70% grain ration.?

She has been off-feed for 18 hours and physical examination reveals a temperature of 102F, heart rate of 80 bpm, and a shallow respiratory rate of 60 bpm. Also notable is a ping ausculted high on the left side of paralumbar fossa. What is the most likely cause of this finding?

rumenal bloat

cecal tympany

left displaced abomasum

A 9-month-old heifer has just been started on a 70% grain ration.?

left displaced abomasum

Pregnancy and Anxiety...?

Hi, every since becoming pregnant I%26#039;ve been really anxious especially about death (weird I know) I always feel like i%26#039;m hurting or having a heart attack, or something else i wrong. I also get panic attacks but mostly when Im asleep, like I suddenly wake up out of nowhere with a rapid heart rate and its just crazy. Being pregnant has especially made all of my symptoms come out I always feel bad, and if I don%26#039;t feel bad its only for a short time that i feel okay. Has anyone else dealt with anxiety/minor depression/panic attacks during pregnancy? How did you deal with them?

Pregnancy and Anxiety...?

It subsided mostly at around 15 weeks with this pregnancy, I think once I was in my second trimester. good luck

Pregnancy and Anxiety...?

Yes, escapilly the high heart rate, Ive just lied down and took deep breaths in and out.

Pregnancy and Anxiety...?

Yes!......well during my 7th/8th month, I could barely breath when I walked. When I got excited about something, my heart rate would rapidly increase and breathing would be difficult. My chest would become tight. When I came across that, I would walk outside for a sec where it%26#039;s quiet and calm. I couldn%26#039;t sit in one place feeling that way.

Pregnancy and Anxiety...?

The first thing you should do is go to your

Dr. and make sure you don%26#039;t have high blood pressure

it could be very dangerous for you and the baby if it goes untreated.

If you don%26#039;t have HBP then I%26#039;ll recommend you to exorcise,

take long walks or practice Yoga.

You%26#039;ll feel better in no time!

Good luck, relax, stay positive and everytime you start to feel anxious just sing to the baby it will make you and him

feel great!

Pregnancy and Anxiety...?

I had a lot of anxiety issues in the first trimester and ended up seeking counsel. The counselor suggested medication for anxiety and I consulted w/ my doctor who prescribed medication for me as she thought that my situation may be more harmful for the baby than the medication. Some are against meds but since I%26#039;ve been on it I feel a lot better. I can focus more on work etc and am not depressed or anxious about things I was once before nervous about. Talk to your doctor. Good luck.

Pregnancy and Anxiety...?

Yes I delt with them before I even got pregnant,

I was always afraid I was having a heart attack cuz I felt chest pain. I am always parranoid something bad is going to happen to me, and now that I%26#039;m pregnant it is worse.

I'm not convinced that I have exercise induced asthma. Could there be more going on?

I have thalasemia minor.Not sure if there is a relation, but when I work out, I constantly yawn. And after my work out, I have severe allergic reactions like a runny nose and I sneeze constantly. Even in the morning, just walking up stairs, I get the same symptoms without that asmthatic weeze. I%26#039;m 37 and wonder if it something with my heart. My resting heart rate is low=56. I sometime even wake in my sleep because of a lack of breath (like sleep apnea). So I%26#039;m wondering if it%26#039;s more than asthma.

I%26#039;m not convinced that I have exercise induced asthma. Could there be more going on?

Glenda, I have exercise induced asthma; also, I have worked professionally using exercise with asthmatics and others...but I am not an expert. I had experts as back-up. However, your symptoms would have led me to recommend strongly that you check with a Respiratory Specialist. What you describe doesn%26#039;t fit an picture with which I%26#039;m familiar. There could be asthma involved, or it could be %26#039;just%26#039; allergy - but the symptoms of both can vary greatly. I strongly urge some professional help!

The risks are too great not to - in my opinion.

I mean - how long you can hold your breath?

I%26#039;m not convinced that I have exercise induced asthma. Could there be more going on?

first, asthma can cause you to wake in your sleep because of lack of breath. It sounds like you don%26#039;t have just exercised induced asthma, but that allergies or something else may be triggering your asthma.

The morning star academy biology lesson 28.5?

1Adrenaline increases the heart rate,blood pressure,and blood supply to skeleton muscles,increases the conversion of glycogen to glcose and stimulates the rate of metabolism.

2Gonads,the ovaries in females and the testes in males,are the gamete-producing organs of the body.They also produce a group of steroid sex hormones.

3There are two separate glands located at the top of each kidney.

4The sensory receptor is the first element in the sensory pathway.

5Neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine and serotonin are always stimulatory.

6There are only two types of nerves, sensory nerves and mixed nerves.

7The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system (CNS) which is composed of the brain and spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) which includes all the nervous tissue outside of the central system.

8Nerves are given their white appearance by the myelin sheath that is found around each nerve fiber

9The surface of the brain is smooth.

The morning star academy biology lesson 28.5?

Ah, Now I see. T or F

Well, many I%26#039;m afraid I can%26#039;t help you, but here%26#039;s what I can offer:

1. True

2. True

3. Unsure

4. Seems true, but not sure

5. False

6. False

7. True

8. True

9. False

The morning star academy biology lesson 28.5?

Wait...what were the correct answers according to your assignment grade?

Now I%26#039;m curious. Report It

The morning star academy biology lesson 28.5?

1. T

2. T

3. T (adrenal glands)

4. F ( motor pathways are first)

5. F

6. F (motor, sensory, and mixed)

7. T

8. T

9. T

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