First of all, here are my symptoms...shortness of breath, numbness in my hands and feet, chest pain, rapid heart rate, swelling in my ankles (not pitting edema) mostly in the evening. I have had a stress test done, Echocardiogram, EKG, etc. The only thing that was said was that the center of my heart was slightly enlarged. My vitamin b12 level is only 258 on a scale from 211-911. Could all of these symptoms be related to vitamin b12 deficiency? Also, my chest also hurts when I touch it. I also was diagnosed with beginning stages of asthma and gerd. My blood pressure has been running approximately 138/72. Hoping someone could possibly give me some insight on everything. Thank you!!
Can anyone help me figure out what these symptoms mean?
When you don%26#039;t get enough oxygen your heart rate will increase to compensate. Are you treating your asthma? Get a regular doctor(internist* who can oversee your treatment.
Can anyone help me figure out what these symptoms mean?
follow your dr.%26#039;s advice
Can anyone help me figure out what these symptoms mean?
These are all the symptoms that my daughter had when she was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma. it was on top of her heart and inopperable. have you checked for cancer? are your levels of candida high? do you have phlegm on your chest?
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