I have had surgery when i was 16 for a hole in my heart and they repaired it..i am now 30 years old...I was wondering about the MVP w/Reg..
i am 5%26#039;0 and weigh in at 100.i get shortness of breath alot blood pressure stays low, heart rate stays low.i am on atenolol taking 1/2 of a 25mg tab at bedtime.get headaches terrible are all of these normal my doc says yes.cardiac says no.feel pressure in chest all the time and it feels like i can%26#039;t breath.and i don%26#039;t smoke but i am around it .stay tired all the time..even if i am doing anything.
Hi i have a question about mvp with regurgatation...?
This typically is a question you should ask your cardiologist, I am afraid it is to complex for a GP. If by MPV you mean multiple premature ventriculair contractions they won%26#039;t cause any complains except that they get people worried. By the way what regurgitation you are writing about, a leakage of a heartvalve which could cause blood to flow the wrong way each heartbeat so cause overload and shortness of breath, or acid regurgitation from the stomach into the esophagus which only causes shortness of breath if one get this acid in the airways after regurgitation? One can be tired because of a failing heartpump due to chronic overload, or because of the stress and anxiety so is all in the mind.
Hi i have a question about mvp with regurgatation...?
these do not seem to be related to MVP which usually is symptomless.
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