Hi, every since becoming pregnant I%26#039;ve been really anxious especially about death (weird I know) I always feel like i%26#039;m hurting or having a heart attack, or something else i wrong. I also get panic attacks but mostly when Im asleep, like I suddenly wake up out of nowhere with a rapid heart rate and its just crazy. Being pregnant has especially made all of my symptoms come out I always feel bad, and if I don%26#039;t feel bad its only for a short time that i feel okay. Has anyone else dealt with anxiety/minor depression/panic attacks during pregnancy? How did you deal with them?
Pregnancy and Anxiety...?
It subsided mostly at around 15 weeks with this pregnancy, I think once I was in my second trimester. good luck
Pregnancy and Anxiety...?
Yes, escapilly the high heart rate, Ive just lied down and took deep breaths in and out.
Pregnancy and Anxiety...?
Yes!......well during my 7th/8th month, I could barely breath when I walked. When I got excited about something, my heart rate would rapidly increase and breathing would be difficult. My chest would become tight. When I came across that, I would walk outside for a sec where it%26#039;s quiet and calm. I couldn%26#039;t sit in one place feeling that way.
Pregnancy and Anxiety...?
The first thing you should do is go to your
Dr. and make sure you don%26#039;t have high blood pressure
it could be very dangerous for you and the baby if it goes untreated.
If you don%26#039;t have HBP then I%26#039;ll recommend you to exorcise,
take long walks or practice Yoga.
You%26#039;ll feel better in no time!
Good luck, relax, stay positive and everytime you start to feel anxious just sing to the baby it will make you and him
feel great!
Pregnancy and Anxiety...?
I had a lot of anxiety issues in the first trimester and ended up seeking counsel. The counselor suggested medication for anxiety and I consulted w/ my doctor who prescribed medication for me as she thought that my situation may be more harmful for the baby than the medication. Some are against meds but since I%26#039;ve been on it I feel a lot better. I can focus more on work etc and am not depressed or anxious about things I was once before nervous about. Talk to your doctor. Good luck.
Pregnancy and Anxiety...?
Yes I delt with them before I even got pregnant,
I was always afraid I was having a heart attack cuz I felt chest pain. I am always parranoid something bad is going to happen to me, and now that I%26#039;m pregnant it is worse.
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