I was in the hospital for seven days for my original complaint of my heart beating 50BPM and down(dropped to 32 while sleeping) Went to the telemetry floor and was monitored the whole time.. My heart rate went to 54 once while waking, and then it had episodes of tacycardia. The first few days, it stayed 60-70%26#039;s..the next it was 70s and up. The doctor did a EKG, and Holter, and Echo which were all fine. But he mentioned Sick Sinus Syndrome and today the holter results showed negative. Even though he claims no, should I worry? He said if I had it I would need a pacemaker. I am 25 and should not be having these problems. But anywho, if anyone has SSS, was it easily diagnosed?
Sick Sinus Syndrome?
Sick Sinus Syndrome is a dysfunction of the natural SinoAtrial pacemaker in the upper right atrium of the heart. Normally, the SA pacemaker discharges electrical impulses roughly every one second. With SSS, however, the SA node may deliver a much lower rate for a while, followed by a much higher rate of discharging, causing the patient with the disease to have very slow pulse rates, then suddenly very fast rates. This disease is also called Tachy-Brady syndrome. A Holter monitor would reveal things that would point to SSS, such as periods of asystole (the heart stops beating for a period of time), sinus arrest (where the SA node fails to fire and the AV node takes over), and a number of other things. If the Holter revealed none of these, but a slightly exaggerated response to certain activities, then SSS is no longer thought of as a diagnosis.
Sick Sinus Syndrome?
just get excercise and eat normal amounts of food and dont eat if your not hungry and just want taste.totally bad for you. get a monitor at longs drugs to strap around your abdominal part that monitors your heart and if it get too low it send a mild shock(.5 volts) to your heart and you%26#039;l be in great shape
Sick Sinus Syndrome?
i don%26#039;t remember a whole lot about sick sinus syndrome from medic school but i think that it was more of a blanket dx that several specific conditions come under....or i could be totally off track here. if you have questions your dr is not answering, i would suggest you A) look into getting a new dr, or B) go to your local EMS company and ask to speak with a paramedic and ask them about SSS - they should be able to help you. good luck!
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