My heart rate was 135 and now it is 109. I drank three energy shot drinks and I%26#039;m having mild chest pains. My dad scared me and told me what I drank was dangerous and that it could my hurt my heart. Will I be ok?
I just drank three energy shot drinks...?
Take some long deep breaths and go for a walk to try to take your energy level down and also drink lots of water. You should never drink more than one energy drink a day. I drink one monster a day and it is perfect as long as you dont over do it, these drinks are like having 5 cups of coffee at once. Be careful next time and also check out how much taurine is in them too.
I just drank three energy shot drinks...?
drink a lot of water
I just drank three energy shot drinks...?
It%26#039;s not good for can potentially cause a heart attack or heart failure...I wouldn%26#039;t recommend more than one at a time...Especially the five hour energy shot...That%26#039;s not what it was is it? If so, you may want to keep a check on your heart rate and pulse...
I just drank three energy shot drinks...?
yea ur fine bro;s all placebo
I just drank three energy shot drinks...?
ha yeah 3 is nothing. I know ppl who drink like 4 in a row all the time. Sometime they drink like 6 haha
I just drank three energy shot drinks...?
Probably . But it is your life you are PLAYING WITH !
I just drank three energy shot drinks...?
I think youll be ok drink alot of water and that should cool your heart rate. Be careful what you drink read the labels
I just drank three energy shot drinks...?
You can give yourself irregular heartbeats from too much caffeine, certainly it could scare the xxxx outta%26#039; you. Not too good for pops, either. Keep drinking high doses of caffeine long enough and you may cause an inisotol (a B vitamin) deficiency and your hair may start coming out (I know from whence I speak).
Call your hospital%26#039;s number, tell them you have a question about the effects of several energy drinks upon the heart. You might mention your age. They%26#039;ll give you a nurse on duty who will educate you.
Best wishes.
I just drank three energy shot drinks...?
drink alot of water and see how you feel. If you still have chest pains in a bit.. go to the er.
I just drank three energy shot drinks...?
very bad for u...drink some water and try to relax...if in a couple hours you don%26#039;t feel better, go seek some medical of luck. Oooh, eat some food, that may help.
I just drank three energy shot drinks...?
Caffeine-Induced Organic Mental Disorder 305.90 Caffeine Intoxication
Recent consumption of caffeine, usually in excess of 250 mg.
At least five of the following signs:
flushed face
gastrointestinal disturbance
muscle twitching
rambling flow of thought and speech
tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia
periods of inexhaustibility
psychomotor agitation
Not due to any physical or other mental disorder, such as an Anxiety Disorder.
Basically, overdosing on caffeine will probably be very very unpleasant but not kill or deliver permanent damage. However, People do die from it.
Toxic dose
The LD_50 of caffeine (that is the lethal dosage reported to kill 50% of the population) is estimated at 10 grams for oral administration. As it is usually the case, lethal dosage varies from individual to individual according to weight. Ingestion of 150mg/kg of caffeine seems to be the LD_50 for all people. That is, people weighting 50 kilos have an LD_50 of approx. 7.5 grams, people weighting 80 kilos have an LD_50 of about 12 grams.
In cups of coffee the LD_50 varies from 50 to 200 cups of coffee or about 50 vivarins (200mg each).
One exceptional case documents survival after ingesting 24 grams. The minimum lethal dose ever reported was 3.2 grams intravenously, this does not represent the oral MLD (minimum lethal dose).
In small children ingestion of 35 mg/kg can lead to moderate toxicity. The amount of caffeine in an average cup of coffee is 50 - 200 mg. Infants metabolize caffeine very slowly.
Acute caffeine poisoning gives early symptoms of anorexia, tremor, and restlessness. Followed by nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, and confusion. Serious intoxication may cause delirium, seizures, supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias, hypokalemia, and hyperglycemia.
Chronic high-dose caffeine intake can lead to nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tremulousness, muscle twitching, insomnia, palpitations and hyperreflexia. For blood testing, cross-reaction with theophylline assays will detect toxic amounts. (Method IA) Blood concentration of 1-10 mg/L is normal in coffee drinkers, while 80 mg/L has been associated with death.
Emergency Measures
Maintain the airway and assist ventilation. (See Appendix A)
Treat seizures %26amp; hypotension if they occur.
Hypokalemia usually goes away by itself.
Monitor Vital Signs.
Specific drugs %26amp; antidotes. Beta blockers effectively reverse cardiotoxic effects mediated by excessive beta-adrenergic stimulation. Treat hypotension or tachyarrhythmias with intravenous propanolol, .01 - .02 mg/kg. , or esmolol, .05 mg/kg , carefully titrated with low doses. Esmolol is preferred because of its short half life and low cardioselectivity.
Induce vomiting or perform gastric lavage.
Administer activated charcoal and cathartic.
Gut emptying is probably not needed if 1 2 are performed promptly.
Appendix A
Performing airway assistance.
If no neck injury is suspected, place in the %26quot;Sniffing%26quot; position by tilting the head back and extending the front of the neck.
Apply the %26quot;Jaw Thrust%26quot; to move the tongue out of the way without flexing the neck: Place thumb fingers from both hands under the back of the jaw and thrust the jaw forward so that the chin sticks out. This should also hurt the patient, allowing you to judge depth of coma. :)
Tilt the head to the side to allow vomit and snot to drain out.
From conversations on alt.drugs.caffeine:
The toxic dose is going to vary from person to person, depending primarily on built-up tolerance. A couple people report swallowing 10 to 13 vivarin and ending up in the hospital with their stomaches pumped, while a few say they%26#039;ve taken that many and barely stayed awake.
A symptom lacking in the clinical manual but reported by at least two people on the net is a loss of motor ability: inability to move, speak, or even blink. The experience is consistently described as very unpleasant and not fun at all, even by those very familiar with caffeine nausea and headaches.
I just drank three energy shot drinks...?
Don%26#039;t ever drink energy drinks! They are bad for you! OK?
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