I heard my babies heartbeat today for the first time. It was the most amazing thing ever. But what I am asking is if its true that a baby girls heart beats faster than a boys? The heart rate was 150.
My Babies Heartbeat?
I actually heard from a doctor that the heatbeats have nothing to do with sex of the baby. Go to babyzone.com, they have TONS of great information! :)
My Babies Heartbeat?
!50 is average. Don%26#039;t worry about whether it%26#039;s a girl or a boy, just enjoy being pregnant. I just had a miscarriage and would give anything to still be pregnant. Good luck:)
My Babies Heartbeat?
No, I had a baby girl 3 months ago, and her heartbeat was always below 140
My Babies Heartbeat?
this pregnancy the heart was 140 it%26#039;s a boy i have heard over 140 is most commonly a girl keep in mind that is not ALWAYS TRUE it%26#039;s not a accurate way to judge the gender. You should get a ultersound between 18-20 weeks sometimes they can tell then.
My Babies Heartbeat?
I asked my ob the same thing and he said you cannot go by that so, no it is not true.
My Babies Heartbeat?
If the heartbeat is more than 140 beats per minute, it閳ユ獨 more likely to be a boy, according to Douglas. %26quot;But every other study has debunked that,%26quot; she says. Dr. Jill Powell, an OB/GYN and professor at the St. Louis School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo., says the heartbeat rate theory is one she閳ユ獨 often asked about. %26quot;I get asked a lot whether I can tell gender based on the heart rate,%26quot; she says. %26quot;But there is no measurable difference.%26quot;
My Babies Heartbeat?
congrats on ur baby that was a nice thing to read about
My Babies Heartbeat?
On average a girl%26#039;s heartbeat is faster, but it is hard to know if the baby is asleep, awake, just got the ice cream you ate an hour ago. (could be your boy just woke up) Just like us, their heart beat flucuates depending on what they are doing and what is going on with them. Enjoy being pregnant. Write down eveyones guess and why. When the baby does come you can look back to see who all was right. I hope you have a healthy pregnancy and a healty baby. Good Luck
My Babies Heartbeat?
All babies heartbeats are faster. Boy or Girl! Unless your baby has a heart problem like my daughter did! They found out that my daughter had Tetrollogy of Fallott when I was 5months pregnate, and that was cause of the meds. I take. *Im NOT saying that there may be something wrong with your baby! Im just saying my child has heart problems and was born blue, and not breathing when she was born. But we knew what was wrong with her from the amnio. Thats where they take fluid from the womb.*
If youre still concerned, ask your family doctor, or ask a parent. It dont have to be your own, but I would ask my mom about it.
My Babies Heartbeat?
That is an old wives tale. My son%26#039;s heartbeat was always around 155-160. With my daughter is was anywhere from 146-155.
My Babies Heartbeat?
old wise tale
My Babies Heartbeat?
My Babies Heartbeat?
You really need at least a 20 mins strip of heart tones recorded and then you average the heartrate. (My SIL who used to be a nurse told me this.) Then you can take a better educated guess at the sex based on heartrate.
Yes, higher heartrates are usually considered to be girls. BUT.....if it%26#039;s a boy and he%26#039;s really active you might measure a high heartrate. And if it%26#039;s a girl and she%26#039;s sleeping you might measure a slower heartrate. That%26#039;s why averaging a longer stretch of time is considered more accurate.
My Babies Heartbeat?
I don%26#039;t think there is any proof of that. You will find out soon enough by ultrasound what the sex is.....Plus you can pretty much go by your gut instinct....what do you think your baby is?!? (mother%26#039;s intuition)
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