Saturday, October 31, 2009

Echocardiogram and other stuff?

Im having an echocardiogram done tomorrow and i was wondering if i can wear a bra or not? and also, if anyone has insite into what i could have, im very curious. Im 18 ( not overweight, never done drugs or drank) no anxiety and no high blood pressure, but i have been having bad short of breath for like 2 years and latly everytime i stand up i get very lightheaded. Also i had worn the heart monitor for 24 hours and my average heart rate was 114 and the highest it got was 158, now im going for the echocardiogram and the doc mentioned looking into my valves. Also i have some dull pain (sometimes) lasting for about 2-3 minutes and other times i have sharp quick pains all around the left side of my chest. Any ideas? thank you

Echocardiogram and other stuff?

Your echo will not be bad at all. I would imagine you could wear a bra most times we scan below the ribs. It is very good you are getting it done. That heart rate is really scary. I hope they get you fixed. I could guess you might have a mitral valve problem, or a congenital abnormality with maybe small ventricles! I really hope they get you feeling better. Please don%26#039;t smoke or drink that will make anything much worse



Echocardiogram and other stuff?

You can wear a bra to the echo testing site, but will probably have to remove it at the actual test.

There is nothing to fear about the test, they will put some jelly on your chest, and then move the probe around.

It sounds as if you might have Mitral Valve Prolapse. The mitral valve in your heart, between the right ventircle and the right atrium is not working correctly. It is letting blood flow back into the atrium.

If that is the case it can be corrected sometimes with meds, and in RARE cases surgery, where they actually replace the valve.

Echocardiogram and other stuff?

You%26#039;ll find out about the bra.

I suspect you%26#039;ll have to take it off, but wear a hospital gown. There are about a dozen leads. Well, the leads don%26#039;t go on the breast, so you may be able to wear it.

Just wear comfy shoes for walking or jogging.

Don%26#039;t worry about what it may be. Valve problems can be from an infection, mine was. They can heal with rest, as mine did. The pains are unusual. If you eat healthy, you should be ok.

Echocardiogram and other stuff?

pls check the above

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