Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why when i fall asleep in the heat i wake up......?

whenever i fall asleep in if my room has no air condtioning i wake up and my heart is beating really fast and it unconfortable to breath and then it takes a while to catch my breath and for my heart rate to slow down....why does that happen??

Why when i fall asleep in the heat i wake up......?

cause i suppose your body is overheating

Why when i fall asleep in the heat i wake up......?

Anxiety attack or panic attack. The mind does strange things to the body. That happened to me a lot. Now I%26#039;m on Klonopin, the wonder drug. Get some help. You%26#039;ll be so glad you did.

Why when i fall asleep in the heat i wake up......?

Your signs are all signs of sleep apnea but I was not aware that they could be triggered by changes in the air temperature. Your signs are also signs of a panic attach and that can be triggered by absolutely anything. I would say make an appointment with you health care provider and bring it up because for both things it can be helped and you can sleep soundly and sweatily through the night

Why when i fall asleep in the heat i wake up......?

I have the same experience...I also have panic attacks, I don%26#039;t think they are the same thing. But it sure sounds like it.

I would first just try to avoid sleeping in the heat, if those symptoms occur at other times it could be anxiety or panic attacks.

Because I suffer from panic attacks, I guess I can%26#039;t say for certain that anxiety or panic attacks aren%26#039;t the cause...being triggered by the discomfort in sleep.

Why when i fall asleep in the heat i wake up......?

again the same thing happened to me i just think its the heat cause when you sleep and your hot your body tries to get cool so it wont over heat so you move alot in your sleep you heart is pumping from working to cool down your body

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