Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Heartburn and an elevated pulse?

Are these two related at all? I%26#039;m in my third trimester, and my heart burn has been horrible. Whenever its really bad, my heart rate gets really high(my blood pressure is low, no worries there).

Heartburn and an elevated pulse?

1. It is normal to have a higher heart rate during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the woman%26#039;s heart must work harder because as the fetus grows, the heart must pump more blood to the uterus which causes your heart rate to rise. During pregnancy, the amount of blood pumped by the heart (cardiac output) increases by 30 to 50%. As cardiac output increases, the heart rate at rest speeds up. You did not say how high it was though.

2. I can%26#039;t find anything where heartburn causes an elevated pulse rate. I have heart burn (I am not pregnant) and it does not cause my heart rate to increase. Again I can%26#039;t find anything to say it does.

3. The first answerer had some good points to help with your heart burn, but I believe he missed the fact that you were pregnant. You should not try to lose weight if you are pregnant and I know you are aware of that.

4. Talk with your doctor and explain to them that you are having bad heart burn (you may already have). I would not take anything for it without consulting with them first since you are pregnant. Also inform your doctor of how high your pulse rate gets sometimes since you did not say how elevated it was just to be on the safe side.

5. I have had several friends complain of bad heart burn during pregnancy and then after their pregnancy no problems with heart burn. It would probably be okay to take a Tums or something like that, but still talk with your doctor first just in case.

6. And..I just wanted to say congratulations to you! I hope all goes well with you and your new baby.

Best wishes.

Heartburn and an elevated pulse?

I dont know if its related. but I could give you some advice how to manage heart burn.

Do not eat late at night or just before bedtime.

Do not lie flat or bend over soon after eating.

Eat slowly and do not eat big meals.

If you are overweight, lose weight.

If you smoke, quit smoking.

Raise the head of your bed.

Wear loose-fitting clothing around your stomach.

Certain foods or drinks are more likely to cause heartburn, such as rich, spicy, fatty and fried foods, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol and even some fruits and vegetables.

you can eat banana to reduce some of the acid.

Heartburn and an elevated pulse?

Take a Tums when needed and one right before bed.

Check your blood/sugar.

Heartburn and an elevated pulse?

seem alot of people ( even myself) feel like my heart speeds up when i eat.i dont think this is normal.since i have a fast heart beat also.alot of people think it is stomach ,however i do not

Heartburn and an elevated pulse?

I havent heard of the 2 being correlated in any way, the best thing to do is contact your doctor to tell him/her what is happening. I would also suggest taking you taking your pulse several times a day even when you believe its low just to document it. It may be high at other times and you are unaware of it. As for the heartburn I do know that the BRAT diet helps, just be careful since you need to eat being PG and all. The BRAT diet is B-Breads, R-Rice, A-Applesauce, T-Tea (decaf), it may help reduce the heartburn along with the other suggestions that are given here. Hope this helps

Heartburn and an elevated pulse?

Pain any where in the body can definitely cause a rapid pulse. The main question is how fast is your pulse rate. And how low is your bp?

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