Saturday, October 31, 2009

Worst panic attack of my life happened Sunday -- and Ativan is not working?

I was watching t.v. Sunday night and my heart started going a mile a minute. I managed to calm myself down but it happened again and then again. It wasn%26#039;t like a my normal panic attacks. I got so freaked out my parents called an ambulance. They immediately diagnosed it as a panic attack but took me to the E.R. anyway because my heart rate was really high. I had the standard tests run -- CT scan (for blood clots?), EKG, ECG, urinalysis, etc. They gave me Ativan to calm me down and kept me on a vitals monitor. They said everything was fine and let me go after a couple of hours with a Rx for Ativan and Ibuprofen for my chest pain. It%26#039;s two days later and my anxiety is worse than it%26#039;s ever been and 1 MG of Ativan is not helping at all. Usually benzos calm me right down.

Has anyone else had an experience like this?

Worst panic attack of my life happened Sunday -- and Ativan is not working?

when it happened to me a nurse told me to think of a simple tune like a nursery rhyme and play it over and over in my head whilst gently either wiggling my toes or fingers. I do this at the first sign and it has helped me enormously, I have gone from over twenty full attacks a day to barely one per month. yes they were quite bad ,as you know. but my first one caused a collapsed lung and I am still here.

Worst panic attack of my life happened Sunday -- and Ativan is not working?

Ativan also comes in 2 mg dosages. to be honest with you. smoking herb in the morning might be more beneficial to your anxiety disorder than taking pills. i don%26#039;t know what your values are on that. Report It

Worst panic attack of my life happened Sunday -- and Ativan is not working?

Meditation would help.

Worst panic attack of my life happened Sunday -- and Ativan is not working?

I had a horrible episode at the bowling alley the other night. I got up to throw the ball and felt like I couldn%26#039;t walk straight and started hyperventilating really bad-looking around at the other people having a good time trying to calm myself down and don%26#039;t know what caused it. I bowl again this Thurs and am already dreading it. I know how you feel. I popped a Xanax and felt better but my heart was pounding too. I haven%26#039;t had one in a long time like that and I know what you are going through.

Worst panic attack of my life happened Sunday -- and Ativan is not working?

There%26#039;s nothing wrong with you. Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias and obsessions are NOT caused by mental or physical illness. Anxiety disorders and panic attacks are caused by a tiny change in the way the brain handles anxiety signals from the sensory organs. Anxiety disorders and panic attacks ARE NOT caused by chemical imbalances...they can cause them, BUT they ARE NOT caused BY THEM! This is why anxiety and panic attack medication doesn%26#039;t work, it may mask the symptoms (if anything) and when they are stopped, it generally all floods back.

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