Saturday, October 31, 2009

Irregular hear beat? (Please answer only if you work in the medical field or have had a similar prob

I am 20 years old and recently my heart has had this irregular beat. I can feel it skip a beat, and then do sort of a jiggle on the following beat, not every time, but maybe once every 30-60 seconds or so. My heart rate will be normal, and I do not feel any chest pain, dizziness, or shortness of breath. This first happened about 4 months ago, and lasted on-and-off for a couple days. It hasn%26#039;t come back until recently, a few days ago, and has been on-and-off. I don%26#039;t have health insurance, am living paycheck-to-paycheck and saving up for my college classes, so I don%26#039;t have a lot of money to spend for medical purposes. Please help!

Irregular hear beat? (Please answer only if you work in the medical field or have had a similar problem)?

I had the same sort of my problem in my early twenties. I did go see a doctor, and he told me it was stress. I would get skipped heartbeats or palpatations and it would make me cough . Also..if you drink alot of caffeine, then i suggest you back off of it as it seemed to make the condition worse.

Just by reading your message, you sound worried about college and being able to pay for it.

If you are really worried, then i would go see a doctor, but this sounds stress related. You may want to try to stay active and try to do some work outs as this seemed to help me. Anyway..i hope this helps you out and dont let everyone in here scare you to death. Good luck!

Irregular hear beat? (Please answer only if you work in the medical field or have had a similar problem)?

Go to the county hospital and get it checked for free, it does not sound good. What good is saving for school if you won%26#039;t be around to go. Put your health first.

Irregular hear beat? (Please answer only if you work in the medical field or have had a similar problem)?

You should see your GP to have it checked out. He/she will probably have you wear a holter monitoring device for a 24 hour period. You may be asked to get an echogram and perform on a stress treadmill. In all likelihood it is a benign condition and you need do nothing more. It is a worrisome condition but probably not life threatening. Have it checked.

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