Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Happened to Me?

Basketball practice at school

I came late an had to run a little no big deal

When I stopped to get back in line my heart rate sped up I had muscle contractoins, a rushing headache and my chest was in pain.It felt soo hard to breathe. I went to get water but I got whoozy and light headed. So I sat down while a coach called my parents, an I got nuaseous on top of everyhting else. I just layed there untill someone picked me up. I wasnt overheated and I had drank plenty of water before. It was wierd. Do I have asma? Is my heart bad?

What Happened to Me?

It may have been a panic attack or an anxiety attack because you were late for practice.

What Happened to Me?

I wouldnt worry. You probably just had a virus or something. if it continues then just call ur doctor

What Happened to Me?

Go see your physician and have a complete workup done. This includes EKG, Stress EKG (you walk on a treadmill and they monitor your heart to see if there are any changes while you exercise), and have them check your breathing as well.

It may be nothing, but it could be very serious as well.

What Happened to Me?

your probably fine- but you should get yourself to a doctor.

it sounds like you over worked yourself and your heart was starving for oxygen (you weren%26#039;t breathing enough or something) Your parents should take you in. don%26#039;t worry your self, your heart probably isn%26#039;t bad. you really can%26#039;t tell with kids. just be safe, and put your self at ease, and if you keep feeling this way, do the same thing that you did before-tell someone else.

What Happened to Me?

I am not an MD, however I feel you should not do any more practices and get your self to an MD. Their is something there that is causing those problems. I do not want to scare you but it could be life threatening. Is there any one in your family who has a history of aortic aneurysms? Be sure to let the Dr. know. My best to you and let us know how it comes out.

What Happened to Me?

Go and see your doctor.

What Happened to Me?

You should talk to your doctor, your coach and your parents about this. It%26#039;s probably something simple, like not cooling down after your run, but you need to be checked out. I%26#039;m asthmatic and I can run fine as long as I warm up and cool down. Talk to your parents and see a doctor.

What Happened to Me?

You described perfectly what i go through quite regally hyperventilating or like a panic attack.

I find i can bring one on (used to ) by changing the pattern of my breathing from shallow to a deep breath .I could be walking through a shop then smell intense fragrance that can set it off too

Stop calm down breather at normal pace some times takes 15 Min%26#039;s .

Or breath in to a paper bag and breath the air back again

What Happened to Me?

u probally was just tired and your heart was beating to fast an made you feel sick

What Happened to Me?

sounds like you should seek medical help and be very precise on everything that has happened in the past couple of weeks. your heart and lungs is nothing to fool around with

What Happened to Me?

go see a doctor so soon as possible you my lean to heart attacks or panic attacks doctors can tell you more after a EKG test

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