my heart hurts soo bad like i pulled a muscle and i feel like vomiting little sharppains keep coming back and my whole chest thumps sometimes my heart rate feels alright but i don%26#039;t know ! shold i go to the hospital? and im only 14.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
Yes, go to the ER.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
call 911 dork.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
You should. If you really don%26#039;t know what%26#039;s wrong and it won%26#039;t stop, you should not hesitate.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
I would say YES
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
talk to your parents, and tell them. go to the hospital asap!
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
Call 911 now and get off the computer~!
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
yea go to emergency room...Especialy if your getting sick..It%26#039;s not normal
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
yes, go to the hospital. have someone drive you.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
At the very least, go to your doctor. If you can%26#039;t get in to see your doctor, a trip to the hospital would probably be a good idea.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
A sign of nausea or vomiting with a chest pain should be seen about by a doctor. Please go.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
i think u should go and dont waste any more time.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
are you eating enough?????? not eating can cause that should get checked out.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
you have got to be kidding. how much pain do you have to be in to stop writing on the computerl.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
Tell your parents now, and go to the hospital.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
I would say that it would be a good idea to go get your parents, inform them of what is happening and make them take you to a hospital. Good luck!
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
Yes, go to the hospital. You may also be dehydrated, drink some water!
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
Yes. Just to make sure everything is OK. If you have a family doctor call them immediately.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
Did you do any drugs? Yes or no, you need to looked at at the hospital.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
Hospital is always good.
There was a lady in the other halves family who had symptoms such as yours. Because of her age they took her to the hospital. While there they told her what she had,
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
Sounds like you are having a panic attack. You do not have to go to the hospital for that, but a panic attack and a heart attack are very similar in how they make your body feel. Inhale and hold your breathe for 4 seconds and exhale out for 6 seconds. It might help, if you do not feel that is working go to the doctor to be on the safe side.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
talk to your parents and if you and they feel concern then by all means go see a doctor
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
Stop reading the answers already! Go now!!
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
Of course!
when you feel like you need to go to the hospital, dont hesitate and just go.
it might turn out to be a big problem or not. you will never know unless u see a doctor.
so go to the er or make a appointment with ur doctor now!
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
If you are in that much pain, and medication has not helped at all, then perhaps a trip to the doctors(if possible)..not ER is in order.
I would think that your parents would be able to advise you better since they can monitor you in person.
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
First off,I%26#039;d definately go to the hospital.But let me tell you,it probably isn%26#039;t a heart attack,though you might think it.I have a disease called plueresy that has the same symptoms as you are having.Sharp chest pain in the lower right or left of the chest cavity which causes you to have to take shallow breaths.Feel like you might puke from it.There are 2 types of it.Wet and dry.Wet makes you caugh up stuff and dry causes the diaphram(separates upper body cavity from lower and helps you breath)to be inflamed and swell.Thats where the pain comes from.You might even have a sensation of somethign rubbign together or jostling around in your chest.Go get it looked at regardless.You know,you might just have really bad indegestion from eating all that stuff yesterday too...
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
Boy where is your parents...why are you on the computer talking bout it????
Must not be in too much pain!!
I am in soo much pain! should i go to the hospital!?
If this is a joke, then it is sad, because your ability
to save your own life and keep your body healthy should not be TAKEN LIGHTLY.
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